Suicide and Insanity

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(This Chapter Contains Stuff Readers May Not Like)

Asim Pov:

After Toby's daily visit with Jacob it became night time because I let him stay a few hours instead of a few minutes. I had to be somewhere else for a few hours so I left Toby in my room alone for a while.

I walk into my room hoping to see Toby in bed sleeping, but I don't see that at all. I instead see Toby at the dining table with a bunch of empty alcoholic bottles all over it. He has his head on the table.

Who the hell gave him that much alcohol?!

I run over to him. "Toby! What the hell have you done?!" I yell. I shake him. He looks at me tiredly.

he starts to sob. "I-I can't stay here! I'm going i-insane!" He says while thick tears roll down his face.

I should've saw before.. he's slowly breaking. Even with Jacob... he really can't stay here.

I sit at at the other seat and look at him. "I don't want to live anymore... I can't stay here any longer..I don't deserve to live..." he says.

"That's not true Tobias," I say. He holds his face with his hands as he rests his elbows on the table.

"I can't stay here..." he says. "I WON'T stay here." He quickly stands up. He grabs a bottle and smashes in half on the table.

"What are yo-" he stabs himself in the chest with the glass. He falls to the floor. "TOBIAS!!" I yell.

*1 hour Later*

I sit outside the surgery room with my head in my hands.

I blew.
I can't believe I let him do that...

A doctor finally comes out of the surgery room. I stand up quickly and look at him. "How is he?" I ask

"He isn't in great condition.. he's probably going to be in bed for about 3 months," the doctor says.

"3 months?..." I ask in disbelief.

"Maybe even longer," he says.

Jacob is going to kill me.

"When he recovers we're putting him into a mental hospital so he can't try this sort of thing again," he says.

"That's insane!" I yell.

"We think this for the best," he says. The doctor leaves.

I can't believe this...

I look at the hospital room door.

I walk inside.

Isaac Pov: *Many Weeks Later*

I could barely handle Tobias not coming for a visit for 1 day, but it's been weeks now..

I've finally lost it.

I run up against the bars of the cell and start screaming with all my demon features showing. "WHERE IS HE YOU FUCKING BUSTARDS I'LL BURN THIS WHOLE PLACE DOWN IF I DON'T SEE HIM!!!" I scream. I slice my bandage off with my claws and my red eye glows.

Before I could scream anymore demons in white suits push me into the room. I manage to rip about 3 of them to shreds, but then they finally manage to grab me and put a restraint jacket on me. My wings burst holes into the back. I attempt to rip it a part, but I fail.

I keep struggling to kill the demons in front of me. I bite a few demons but then they put a human muzzle on me.

The living demons walk out of the room, leaving behind the dead demons behind.

I struggle even though I know... I'm unable to do anything right now. I'm officially a caged dog.

My body finally runs out of power and I faint against the wall from exhaustion.

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