Chapter 2 - Heir of Vildar

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Back home, I was used to waking up with the scent of citrus and the sight of morning dew on my window pane. There were instances when I had to draw the sheets closer towards me because of the lingering cool breeze. Such luxuries were not available in Vildar. The windows were open because the sweltering heat of first summer threatened to bake me alive. The sweat from last night's restless slumber made my nightdress cling to my body. These things only add to my list of dissatisfaction.

Not waiting for the final ascension of the sun, I roused from my sleep, noting that Vildari maids were not punctual or that they were trained to wake their masters on the later part of the morning.

I changed out of my nightdress and wore a modest green dress. I was about to get out and call for Jaryn when something caught my eye.

Beside my bed, on the vanity table, sat a note written in elegant penmanship I have now come to recognize.

When you wake up, come have breakfast with me in my chambers. –A

I raised a brow. So finally, the insolent prince decided to humor me.

Five minutes later, Jaryn arrived and prepared my bath. I decided to change into a more appropriate dress suited for the audience of a prince. Jaryn had styled my hair in a complicated chignon, the "latest craze" among Vildari women according to her. I wore most of the jewels he gave me as a sign of amity since I am fairly certain that news of my irritableness has reached his ears.

After that, I was escorted to his chambers.

My room was directly above his, though his chambers were isolated with no other rooms on the hallway. Jaryn knocked on his door twice and a soft come in responded. I mustered up the courage to face whoever it was on the other side though I cannot deny that a part of me was terribly anxious. Jaryn opened the door and I stepped in, steeling my spine and summoned my nerve.

Prince Alistair Vesteres sat beside the table cross-legged, his eyes trained on my face. His high cheekbones reminded me of his mother's and his jaw was evidently inherited from his father—the King. He was fortunate enough to take after his mother's shining blonde hair.

"I was told by many women that my hair was like the sun on my head, but I can see that if mine was the sun, yours is heaven's light. The rumors did you justice," he said, by way of greeting.

"Are you coddling me, Your Highness? To make up for your negligence?"

"The rumors also spoke of your frankness and I see that they spoke the truth."

I pursed my lips and crossed my arms. I was about to unleash a poisonous remark just so he can see how frank I am when he broke into a gentle smile.

"Peace, Princess Erinne. I never intended to offend you. Come and sit. You must try the Vildari delicacies. I made sure to pick the ones you have never eaten so you may discover the food of my country."

I sighed and did as he said. I sat in front of him.

An array of Vildari food lay on the table: soup, lamb, flatbread and some sort of vegetable salad. On the side were fruits like plum and mangoes. I was tempted to ravage all of those but I had to keep up appearances.

"I may love food but it won't make up for your misbehavior, Your Highness," I said.

He had a faint apologetic smile. "You'd have to blame my cowardice for that. And please call me Alistair."

I frowned. "Cowardice? I've heard of your conquests far north, your skills in swordsmanship and your prowess in hunting. A woman like me can hardly touch a single hair of yours."

"Yes but all of those were fights between men but when it comes to creatures like the fae, I will not deny that my courage to face them is limited. When it comes to men, you know how to deal with them because you understand their nature, but dealing with the fae is something else entirely." He looked up to me. "Looking at you makes me feel you're not entirely human."

I glared at him so hard I thought my eyes will pop out of my sockets.

Alistair held up his hands in surrender. "Forgive me. I thought that since you spoke so frankly, I will be given the same courtesy."

"I am human, thank you very much! Where did you even get that idea?" I huffed.

"I've heard stories of you long before they decided our marriage. You were stolen by the fae king and went missing for almost six months."

"That is not a good reason to basically accuse me of being a fae!" My nose flared and if I was not taught manners, I would've flung the lamb in his face and spat on his feet.

"When you entered my chambers you seemed as if you're... not from this world. Ethereal," he said quietly. "I've been through many parts of the world, sailed through different seas and I've never seen anyone like you."

"Like me? Is that supposed to be some ode of my beauty or your way of saying that I'm a monster? I can't seem to tell!" Seriously, as a prince, he must have been trained in the art of conversation but he just blurted out whatever is in his mind.

"It's neither. I am just stating a fact. Have you looked at a mirror, Princess Erinne?"

No. I have not. The days that followed after the war was too hectic and I was busy healing my broken heart that looking at a mirror was the last thing I'd think of.

As if he read my mind, he said, "Maybe something is playing tricks on my eyes but I thought there is a faint light surrounding you."

What? I looked at my palms but nothing seemed out of the ordinary. This prince is a lunatic.

"It's not too obvious," he went on, "and if you don't look closely, you might even disregard it as something normal but there are times when you walk and you seem to wave off the darkness."

I raised a brow. "And how do you know this?"

He had the grace to blush. "Every day I try to work up the nerve to greet you and when I am mere steps away from you, I quickly backtrack, so I could only see you from afar."

I stared at him for the longest time. He squirmed in his seat and looked at anywhere but me.

I burst out laughing. I seemed to have surprised him. He must have thought that I'd blow up any minute. "Seriously, I've never met such a cowardly prince," I laughed, completely amused.

He smiled, a little nervous.

"Well, we may not have started well but we're going to spend the rest of our lives together so why don't we start over?" I held my hand. "I am Erinne Faye Rivynford, Princess of Danhall."

He took it and placed a gentle kiss on the top of my hand. "And I am Prince Alistair Vesteres, Heir of Vildar."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2018 ⏰

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