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“That was amazing!” oh dear lord in heaven he was good! It had been a few minutes sense we finished and I was still clutching my chest, trying to catch my breath.

“Yes it was…” George’s breath was also gone from him as well. I was trying to find something to say, but I just couldn’t. I felt like I had done something wrong in this entire situation, and yet I hadn’t done anything wrong, so what was wrong with me. George walked over to a wooden cabinet he had on the side and pulled out a washcloth. There was a bowl of water that he dipped the cloth into and brought it over to me.

He pulled apart my legs and wiped me off. The entire time he did this a very red blush came over my cheeks, and I couldn’t help but bring my hand up to my mouth. There was an awkward silence in the room that made me just want to leave. I tried to get up but he brought me into a tight hug. Now I understood that the awkwardness I was feeling was awkwardness at all but the fact that I didn’t tell him that I loved him.

“George I…”he placed his lips against my own.

“Don’t say until you mean it, I know I said that I love you, and of course I mean it, but I don’t want you saying that you love me until you’re ready.” He helped me down from the desk, I was about to say something when we both heard the door handle jiggle on the door.

“George are you in there? I can’t find Marcy anywhere. Is she in there with you?” We both looked at each other, he had a grin on my face and one was quickly appearing on my own face. He quickly helped me get my dress back on, and led me to a small window that was slightly open.

“Go out this way and go around the side of the house that leads to the front. She won’t be able to think anything about the situation.” He kissed the side of my face and I hopped out the window. I heard Mamie’s voice a few seconds later.

“Oh my, Look at your office, it’s a complete mess in hear!” Her comment made me giggle all the way to the front of the house. I opened the door quietly and walked up the stairs to my room. I lay down on the bed and thought about the magnificent thing that had happened between George and me. I wasn’t sure what it meant this meant but something within me said that it was good. My eyelids started to get heavy and I quickly slipped into a deep sleep.

 I woke to someone pushing on my arms and talking loudly. It was, of course, Mamie trying to wake me from my sleep.

“Come girl, wake up. Its dinner already and George is waiting for you downstairs.”  I quickly jumped up from my spot on the bed and ran down the stairs that led to the dining room. I opened the doors and George wasn’t the only one sitting at the table this night.

Another man was there with him. This man was just as handsome as George but he was the complete opposite. He had very dark hair, almost black, and nicely tanned skin. His eyes were like no other, very blue gray with a dark ring of blue around the outer edges of his eye. It felt like his eyes were piercing my very soul from the moment I walked into the room.

“Oh Marcy, you finally decided to show up to diner. This is my brother Samuel Washington.” Oh so these two men were related. After I looked at both of them I could see the few similarities. Samuel got up from his seat and walked over to him, he extended his hand and I happily placed mine within his.

“It’s a great pleasure to meet you Miss Marcy.” His voice made me melt like a stick of butter in a frying pan. It was so deep and smooth like dark chocolate. He kissed my hand and I bit my lip from squealing out with delight.

“Alright now Samuel, that’s enough.” Samuel’s eyebrows furrowed and he reared up against George. 

“Don’t tell me what to do brother. I am not one of your servants that you can just order around like a dog.” Both men were chest to chest with each other. Each of them was very powerful men, and in all essence of the word they were alpha males. Neither one wanted to back down to I put a hand on each of their chests.

“Boys please, let’s not fight, I’m hungry and I would very much like to eat.” My hands were tingling from the contact I had with each man. The heat coming off of each one was amazing, like it wanted to devour me whole.

“You are right m’lady. Let’s eat before any fights construe.” They both led her over to her seat. Both had a little squabble when pushing in her chair, but eventually George gave it up to Samuel. The meal was a little strained for conversation. It was very silent the entire time except for when the few servants came into the room.

The meal ended very fast because of the lack of conversation, and both men tried their very best to lead her out of the room, but yet again, they were fighting over her attention. 

“Oh boys that’s enough! I’m sure that Marcy thinks less of both of you because you cannot act like gentlemen in front of her. I will escort her to her room, and you two can talk about your misbehavior this evening.”

Mamie walked me up into my room and got me ready for bed. My nightgown was on and I was lying in bed, Mamie had left and I was about to fall asleep when my bedroom door opened slowly. I expected it to be either Mamie or George but a head full of dark hair meet my gaze.

“Samuel you shouldn’t be up here. I’m trying to sleep.” I held the blankets against my chest, trying to hide myself from him.

“Don’t worry Marcy; I’m not here to compromise your virtue.” Don’t worry about compromising my virtue, your brother already has. He walked over and bent down on one knee next to the bed. “I’m just here to say that you are the most beautiful woman I have seen in my life. I want you as my own, and hopefully you will accept my ploy for a chance to court you.” I was speechless, completely speechless. “I will take that as a yes.”

“I…” but I held my tongue. He left quickly and I was left there thinking. “What have I just done?”              

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