Chapter 2❤

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(Charlie's P.O.V)

We parked up and Duffy offered to take Tori inside. 'I can take her Mum. Thankyou.' I took in her bags and left them on the stairs. Becca walked past me as she headed inside. I quickly spoke to my wife outside. 'I think he's been abusing her.' Duffy raised her eyebrows.. 'She mentioned that they've been arguing. What do I do Charlie?' We locked the car as we went back inside. I offered to put the bits away and advised Duffy to go and check on Becca. 'See you upstairs.' I made a call to Connie and she sounded tired. 'Is everything alright Charlie?' I told her about what me and Duffy spoke about. 'Do you think so?' I said I was certain. 'Just keep an eye on her... you know what she's like.' I said to Connie that I'd update her. 'Night Connie.' I put my phone away.

I turned off the lights and made my way upstairs. 'Mum.. I'm fine. Just let me sleep. It's been a long day.' I knew my wife was hurting... Becca was hiding something. She was in pain. She just didn't want to admit it. I got into bed as Duffy slid in next to me. 'Tori said to give Granddad a kiss.' She kissed me on the cheek. 'It's worse Charlie... I know it is.' I comforted her as we both drifted off to sleep.

(Becca's P.O.V)

My little girl was sleeping with me as she wanted to.. I couldn't really get to sleep. I kept wincing as I was in more physical pain. I just decided not to tell anyone. I slowly moved Tori to the other side of my bed as I walked into the bathroom... 'Why are you wearing that? You're so cheap...' Taking off my plasters... just ripping them off. My arms were like art.... not the beautiful kind... I had massive bruises... red scarlet blood stains were still dotted around my arms. No one saw them though as I wore long sleeved t-shirts. I took my make up off... even washing my face made my cheeks sting. Red, bloodied... scarring cuts.. My stomach was no better. I just ripped off my top... cried my eyes out... just let myself get into such a state... just feeling... nothing but... emptiness. He'd abused me and I've not seen it. I heard Tori.. 'Mummy... mummy...' I ran straight to her and hugged her. 'It's ok baby. Mummy's here.' I sat with her as I heard a knock on my bedroom door. 'It's Mum.' I went to open it. 'Oh sweetheart. Come here.' Mum just held me so tightly. 'It hurts Mum.... It's all my fault.' Mum brushed my hair back and kissed my forehead. 'It's not your fault. How about we put this little monkey back to bed... and maybe talk?' The thing is... I didn't want to tell her anything. I know she's my mum... but I become very defensive, scared, just not myself.

Me and Mum sat in the kitchen. She made me a cup of tea. I'd kept my top off and just rolled up my sleeves... 'I know what your'e going to say Mum. I didn't feel like I needed to.. I thought this was normal. I'd got pregnant.. had Tori. He was so, so genuine. He loved being a dad.. I love being a mum.. then things dramatically changed. He started lashing out at me... every little thing I did.. he'd get angry. He'd rage.' Mum asked me about how he'd talk to me. I gripped on to the mug.. 'He'd call me a bitch, whore....' Mum reached for my hand. 'He even followed me to my friend's house... he thought I was seeing someone else. You know I would never do that.' Mum told me that I was special. 'Listen to me. I'm going to help you. You're my baby and you need me. We'll get you some support and help.' Why did Mum think she knew what was best for me? I was the one living in this utter nightmare. 'Mum... I'm scarred, bruised... I can go on! I hate the fact that I've had his child. Having Tori just reminds me of him... constantly. I gave birth to a beautiful little girl... I can't stand it.' I just broke down as Mum cuddled me. 'I'm here. I won't leave. It's ok.'

Broken... (Casualty)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora