Chapter 22❤

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(Bea's P.O.V)

It was 10pm. Marcus was outside. Looking outside.. I saw him with his mate. He was probably dealing again. I was sick of this.. but here I was. Standing in our apartment. He was coming back in. I shoved the suitcase back under the bed as I heard him making his way back upstairs. "Hey you..." His hands snaked around my waist as he started kissing me. His lips were like silk.. soft and tender. He looked at me. His blue eyes were so cute. "What were you doing downstairs?" He kissed me. He always made me blush.. "Just getting something."

He laid next to me.. kissing me as I became very, very excited... "Um... you've not spoken to your mum right?" I felt his lips touch my collarbone. "No.." I gasped as he bit my lip.. He was kissing me on my weak spot. I couldn't get enough of him. 'Good... this can't get to anyone. Not even her.'  He pleasured me for the entire couple of hours..

I sat at the kitchen table...  coming back to the present. 'Sweetheart. Are you alright?' Mum came walking in with a pile of washing. I ran over and took some. Helping her out. 'Yeah.. just thinking about things.' We continued to sort out the clothes out as Mum asked me more. 'It's like he wants to be away from me. When I went for the visit, he held my hand, asked about me. Said he still loved me.' Mum folded the clothes as she offered me advice. 'Well.. I would say to hear him out. I can tell... from the years that you've been with him that you liked him. I remember you being so secretive, telling Beccs everything.' I giggled at the thought as Mum placed the clothes on the stairs. I agreed.

'I kept it quiet because Louis was so overprotective. Just staying in the apartment was horrible.. waiting to see if police officers were at the front door, texting him constantly.. wondering where he was so late at night. I couldn't contact you because I was so ashamed of being with him." Mum just held me. "You could have spoken to me Bea." I just said I couldn't...

Later on that evening, Beccs was hanging out with me and mum in the living room. "So sis, what's this date all about?" She looked at the time. "Oh crap! It's 5pm. I should be getting ready. Lucky you... Noah and Tori are all yours tonight!" I squealed. "I cannot wait to just spend time with them." As Mum put the tv on and I looked the channels.. Mum asked me about possibly talking to Charlie. "Look.." I then just focused on her. "I know you two don't have the best relationship.. but he's really been there for me. When your dad left, it wasn't about me just looking for some quick thing to fix my broken heart. I focused on the positives of being on my own. Your Auntie and Uncle helped me along. Then, I eventually found the courage to meet someone else.. and that someone was Charlie."

I just couldn't understand why Dad had to leave. My sister came downstairs eventually and I stood up. "You look gorgeous sis!" She kissed me on the cheek as she grabbed her bag and reminded Mum of everything.

"He'll probably grizzle for his last bottle at about 8pm. Tori will be alright. Then, please put Noah down at about 9pm." Charlie came downstairs and placed his hands on mum's shoulder. "I'll keep an eye on them. Have a great time." As Becca walked out to her car, I left Bea and Charlie with the children in the living room. I was really hoping that they would talk.

I made cups of tea and then I decided to go for a shower. I walked into the living room and handed Charlie his cup of tea. "See you in a bit." I hopped into the shower. Just thinking about everything.

(Bea's P.O.V)
As I was talking to my cute nephew, he was gurgling and giggling. He was so adorable. I could tell that Charlie wanted to talk. "He's pretty cute." I smiled as I kissed his cute, little, chubby cheek. "He sure is. Listen. I wanted to just say sorry. For blaming you. It was my fault that I left. You're such a lovely man. Seeing Mum happy is so nice to see." He came and sat beside me. "Well.. I accept your apology. You were just very angry that your dad left, that's all. I love your Mum." We just continued the evening.. talking, playing with Noah and hearing Mum upstairs. "I'll be down in a moment. Just checking on Tori." We laughed about old times and when I was little. "I used to love my old bike. Mum would take me to the park all the time. Auntie Connie would come along too. How is she?" As we heard Mum coming downstairs, Noah started crying. I picked him up and checked the time. "It's 7.55pm. Should I feed him now Mum?" She agreed. "Yes. His bottle is on the side." Tori said hi and asked if she could go with her auntie and brother into the kitchen. "Of course you can." As I sat next to Charlie, he held my hand.. "Things are alright with Bea now. We had a little chat." I said I was glad. "I just don't want her to feel like she can't talk to us. She really doesn't know how she feels about Marcus. What she needs to do.." Charlie placed his hand on my hand. Telling me everything would be alright. "I think Noah loves his Auntie already." I snuggled into Charlie as he turned up the tv.

(Becca's P.O.V)

Meanwhile, me and my boyfriend were relaxing as he was at home tonight. "How's Noah doing?" I turned and looked at him as I stroked his hand. "He is becoming much more alert. He's always asking for me or Mum. Bea loves him to pieces. It's nice having her back at home." Rash kissed me... he was so sweet. "How was the boys night out huh?" He laughed about it. "Fun. So fun. Jacob was obviously not drinking because he had to drive, I only drank about 3 bottles of beer and Ethan came along as well. Would you like anything to eat?" I said no. "I just wanna cuddle with you." We cuddled for hours. Just spending time with one another.

Broken... (Casualty)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant