Average Girl

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Chapter 1

Point of view: 3rd person

Meili is your average 16 year old girl or at least you would think she would be. Meili had everything an average girl could have, friends, a boyfriend, and she was always happy. In fact the school representatives and staff always thought she was the brightest out of every student. But , what people don't know is the Meili at home. Meili hated her home she hated everything about her personal life she lived with her uncle who was an addict because his wife left him...although she wouldnt blame her...Meili's legal guardian was in fact abusive. He left marks on her hips on her back,legs, arms. Meili was used to it wether it was a cold day or an extremely hot day she always wore long sleeves and pant she hated showing her scars and harm she had done to herself. She always thought that scars left a memory of when she was weak...she despised the idea of feeling weak and every time she was reminded of it she wanted to hurt herself more. Meili as a child lost her parents to murder in the small town of Pak Beng. They still don't know the murderer to this day. She is so traumatized from being in that small closet ,her mom put her in to keep her safe. She still can't get her parents screams of agonizing pain out of her head.  So soon after the murder she was sent with her aunt but her aunt wanted a fresh start, a start away from the abuse.  Her aunt said she would come back for her but she still hasn't...Meili as a child was found in a closet by a boy named Xian. In a period of 3 days she became the best of friends with Xian he was like a savior to her. He was a year older and on the wealthy side which is why Meili questioned how he found her...he took her to the police station and from there she was sent to her aunts house.  She kinda misses Xian.  She had no way of contacting him after she was sent away. Anyway, that is the third person view Meili's story.

Meili (may-lee)
Xian (zi-on)

I hope you enjoy my new story it's just off the top of my head give me feedback

Life At Home-POVحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن