You're probably wondering-

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Who am I, specifically? What makes me so special that I had to tell you this and what-not? Well, honestly, nothing makes me special. I'm telling you this because I feel like it and it's nice to share a story every once in a while. Everyone likes stories, right? I do.

Anyways, I'm Nymeria Jacobs, and yes I was named after the giant-ass dog from that Game of Thrones book series. Very interesting world, might I add. My old man was really uncreative with the last name, though. I dunno. Well, I am in the 12th grade, a senior you might say, and I'm a good friend of Sam. By good friend, I mean I gotta sometimes bring him back down to earth in case he rambles on. It's good to ramble, but Y'know, there's a limit.

I come from out of the country, been here for a while. My old man brings me to all the best places to be and I learn more about this place. Like, really learn more. He suggests me places that he thinks I'd like to go to, and for the most part, I enjoy his choices. Disneyland, Great America, Six Flags? Those are my favorite places. The rides are the SHIT THERE.
Sometimes he'd even tell me about some landmarks he'd think I 'd also like to see. To be honest, parks and mountains don't really pique my interest but they're pretty cool. The old man always liked how peaceful nature is.

And you're probably wondering who the hell the old man is? Well, he's hella cool. He's kind of away right now though, leaving me alone currently at my house near the hills. I don't got a mom because she ditched my ass as soon as I was born, and I dunno who my biological dad is, so the old man adopted me. Too bad he's kind of out right now though. I hope he's doing okay along with his buds.

And me currently? I'm chilling at my house, on the computer and doing what I normally do instead of what I should do: play hacked games instead of looking for universities to go in because who would to go through all that stress over tuitions and funds? And while I was playing through my game, I got a phone call for whomst? The ladies man named Sam himself. "Sam, my dude, my friend, my loser of buddy, what's up?"

"Nym, I need a favor to ask. Do you mind going to this party with me at the park?"


"Nothing! Just wanna check it out, give my car a spin and whatever."

"......You wanna know if Mikaela is there, don't you?"

"What? No! What gave you that idea?"

........Give it five seconds.

"Okay maybe, yes. Look, I'm bringing Miles and I need the peer support, okay? If Mikaela's there, I don't wanna look like an idiot." His honest answer had me snicker. "There ya go. See? It's nice be an honest little shit. I'll meet you at the park so don't wait up." After that, I hung up, closed down my computer and got into some outdoor clothes. Now, normally I would wear something shitty like a shirt that said 'big dick energy', shorts that named my cheeks minnie and daisy and the tacky platform boots I rented (stole) from Spencer's but I decided to be decent and wear something simple. By simple, I mean a blue shirt, ripped jeans and and red/blue sneakers. It matches with my hair and highlights after all.

So who wants a visit to the park?

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