Part 3

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A/N: First of all my apologies. I know I haven't been uploading for a while, but I had some personal issues I had to deal with and there were some other priorities I had to take care of so I decided to stop writing for a while. I am back however with Part 3 of the Mipha x Link fanfiction. Hopefully all of you will enjoy it, because I tried my best to come up with a decent chapter. I am not the best at writing so hopefully you can forgive me.

Anyways have fun reading and if you have any suggestions please don't be hesitant and suggest them.

Both Mipha and Link were sitting near Vah Ruta

Link P.O.V.

I was with Mipha, the Zora I knew since my youth, she seemed rather uncomfertable but at the same time happy. Why is that? At any rate, we should start with her training. If we can't control the Divine Beast, what chance do we have against calamity Ganon?

"Mipha, should we perhaps start with your training? We have been sitting here for a while now."

"Yes I suppose you're right. It's just that, I feel relaxed when being around you Link. I don't know why, but I guess it's because I always trusted you."

I looked with suprise. Why me? Shouldn't she feel more relaxed with her fellow zora's? After all I am from a different race. I decided to just let her speak onward.

"Everyone at Zora's domain treated me in a different way. Not necessarily in a bad way, but because I am the chosen Zora champion, The other Zora's treat me like I high and mighty, while in reality I am just another Zora. Anyone could've taken this role from me. I probably am the weakest of the champions. I suppose they could've better waited for my little brother Sidon to grow up. I'm sure he is a more worthy candidate."

Suprised by her answer, I decided to give my opinion on the matter.

"Mipha, I think you are a great champion, really. You don't need to be as strong as the other champions. Sometimes it is just valueable to be caring as to be strong. Imagine if all of the champions had the same personality. What would be a difference between each other? Having multiple personalities is a good thing!"

"Yes, I suppose you're right." Mipha replied in a relaxing way

"And I'm sure we couldn't wait for your brother Sidon to grow up. I mean how old do Zora's get? Also we need to make preperations as quick as possible."

"Thank you Link." Mipha looked at Link and gave him a warm smile

"By the way, didn't you just say that you feel more relaxed doing this instead of being more focused?"

"Yeah... I think so" Mipha looked down to the water

"Well, I think that's more important. You got to have a clear mind when doing this ans since you feel more relaxed just talking, why don't we continue doing this. I'm sure this would also help us in our training."

"Oh well, I guess you're right about that."

"So, do you want to talk about antyhing?"

Mipha looked rather concerned as she was hesitant to ask the next question.

"Link... are you..."

She stopped speaking all of the sudden. Something must be bothering her. I barely see her like this.

"Yes?" I tried to answer this with in a reassuring tone to make her feel more secure.

"Are you scared about the situation too?"

Suddenly I felt curious as to why she asked me that.

"What do you mean by that Mipha?"

"Well with being one of the biggest targets of not only ganon but the Yiga aswell. You have to protect the princess constantly too, well not right now but, still it is a dangerous task. Not to mention you might have to deal with Calamity Ganon once he awakens."

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