Chapt. 1

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  She pulled up to the beach in her blue camaro, that she almost had spent herself broke while buying it. She opened the door and a little boy hopped out when she did. She caught him before he touched the ground and spun him around,and laughing when he started giggling and saying faster.

  She put him back on to the ground, watching the boy walk wildly for a few seconds. She walked hand in hand with the boy looking back every so often, since he was such a curious boy and was known to go "exploring" whenever they went out.

  She walked into a secluded part of the beach that rarely had people there, it was now secluded since it wasn't a well known spot. Only a few locals had known about this place and went there seldom, if they did she never was their to see.

  The little boy began to speed up excited for the place they were going. His long blonde hair whipped back and fourth as he sped up. The woman sped up laughing and grabbed him by his armpits. She held him until they got there.

  She took him to the far side of the coast where at the perfect time you could see the sun glow of the water like diamonds, when it was coming up.

  She sat him down in his lap, let him chat about the random things he thought while he played with her fingers.

  "Honey, let me tell you and don't you ever forget it. Mama will always love you.", she said looking at him as if he was the light of her life. She kissed his head and just held him in her arms humming.

  Billy wakes up with little tears streaming down his face. He rubbed his face with the back of his hand and turned to see his alarm clock. He had, again, woken up before his alarm clock even before Susan, who was so desperate to play her role as pliant housewife that she's wake up hours before them to clean and make breakfast.

He laid in his bed, caressing a cigarette, until he heard banging on his door who was obviously Max not knowing how to be a decent human being, like who the fuck wakes someone up like that. She yells but is basically comes through one ear and out the other.

He recently has been able to tune out everyone and just heard a staticky mumbling sound. All the max usually said was to 'stay away from my friends, Billy, I swear' and or 'quit being a dick'. Usually that or both, but who didn't say that.

He slips out of the house before his father can see him and, most definitely, telling him how he's a fuck up and responsibility this and that, blah fucking blah. The same shit he's tired of constantly hearing.

  Max finally comes out of the house after ten minutes, which is already wearing down his already thin patience. She then slams his door open making him bite his tongue to yell at her, it's too early in the morning o deal with her shit. He's already done and the day hasn't even started yet.

  He has found a new method to keep him from blowing up on the world, breaking who and whatever he wants. Call him a pussy all you'd like, but be happy he isn't raging like he use to do. He puts in a Fleetwood Mac, it's actually a good band, Stevie Nicks is honestly killing it.

  He hums and taps his his fingers on the steering wheel as The Chain and Rhiannon play through the car. He doesn't say a word to Max and pretends not to see her stares.

  He drops her off and this time actually tells her to stop slamming his doors and that he's gonna take the money out of her piggy bank if she doesn't quit the shit, which earns him a middle finger in the sky as she walks.

  He gladly returns it not caring if she can see it or not. He turns in at the school is parks farther away today, pulling out his darts and taking a few puffs to keep him conscious clear.

He looks of into the distance while finishing his dart. Might as well just go now so he won't have to deal with it later. He walks into the building, the other end, not wanting to be bombarded by walking syphilis, no thank you.

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