what a turn

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I just realized the end of last chapter made it sound complete, but nope, the story goes on :)

The woods fell silent as soon as the trigger was pulled, causing the few birds, the ones still remaining at this time of year, to fly away from their homes and into the sky. The only sound that could be heard was the flap of their wings and the harsh breathing of Billy.

Instead of lying in a pool of his own blood and feeling nothing what-so-ever, he, instead, felt everything.

He felt the adrenaline pulse all throughout his body, Billy felt like could do anything, he was sure. So sure, that if it's wasn't for numbness going through his legs, he would run all the way home and beat the every loving fuck out of Neil. Not stopping until his hands felt wet. And, get in his car and drive until he reached the nearest coast.

Pushing himself off the ground, wondering how in the world did this happen? How could he not even off himself correctly?

His sight remained blurry and unorganized, and honestly wasn't helping the migraine splitting through his head and left a ringing sound in his ears.

  Billy's arms gave out from under him, which wasn't a surprise they had been shaking before he even tried to use them properly. Falling to a heap at the base of a dying tree, he decided to stay there for a little while.

  At least wait until he stopped seeing in double and felt like he just ran marathons back to back without break. God, he can't remember the last time he felt this exhausted, well he can, but it wasn't nearly this painful.

His back absolutely had to be bruised, or maybe if was a broken rib something of the sort, all he knew that was the focal point of pain.

As a child, being how he is, he had broken his left arm climbing a tree too high, high enough when he fell, the snap was loud and the pain immediate, but this pain was different. Maybe because of a heightened pain tolerance, maybe just bone bruising.

  But whatever it was hurt like hell. He's been laying on the forest field for a fast twenty minutes before he even thinks about trying to get back up, again.

  Picking up Max came across his mind and of course he would have to think about other people while going through all this ... failure. He still had responsibilities even after this, what some would call a traumatizing time, which they were perfectly right for. (If Billy doesn't wake up with nightmares for the next few, years, will be a miracle.

  He finally takes all he has and pushes himself up scratched jittery arms and drops his head into his chest. Just doing that small action has him in a exhausted state. Who knew this act was so tiring?

  The dead leaves crinkled and broke underneath his teeth as he moves his legs towards his chest, taking longer than he's proud of, but who's here to rush him? He has all the time in the world, well until 3:45 when shitbird's nerd club with baby Byers and Wheeler got over, and from experience, there was no exact time.

  Billy slowly stood, leaning against the tree more than anything, but at least he was up. He stayed leaning against the tree until he knew he was just slowing down the inevitable, going back home and having to deal with everyone. The school had most likely, after the uproar he had it would be very surprising if they didn't, called home and left a message.

  He's just gonna know something is up, he always does. No matter what Billy does it seems like Neil always knows about it, most things at least. The gun.

  Fuck, fuck, fuck! He'll know it's missing, he will.

  The more worried he got, the farther away from the tree he got, and the more frantic he became. Neil always expected the worse from him, he'd most likely think he held up a shop somewhere or whatever kids "like him" did.

Naabot mo na ang dulo ng mga na-publish na parte.

⏰ Huling update: Sep 10, 2019 ⏰

Idagdag ang kuwentong ito sa iyong Library para ma-notify tungkol sa mga bagong parte!

This Time DecemberTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon