Oh! what a relief it is

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A/N This is a redo of chapter 2 btw :)🐝🐝🐝

He stormed down the halls, not a person in sight, luckily for him. He was not in the mood, not at all. Billy wouldn't know what he'd do if someone made a little snide remark to him while in such a pissed mood. The halls were bare either all the students were in class or they skippers were out smoking under the bleachers.

Pushing open the gym doors, he was met by the eyes of at least twenty sophomores and juniors. It was silent for a few seconds until the idle chatter continued. The eyes still remained on him in either glances or full on stares.

He split through the gym floor walking through the gaggle of sweaty teenagers. They moved to different sides of the gym, making an open trail for him to walk through. It was almost like he had a dark cloud that followed him around alerting people to keep watch when he was around.

Close to the gym door leading out to the student parking lot, the gym teacher, Mr. Eric, the teacher who felt they needed to fit in with the kids even though they were about twenty years older. He was also the teacher who flirted with their students and would cause problems with the male students, aka Billy).

The guy really thought he was hot shit and hated that the teenage girls lusted after Billy more than him. He would always pick on Billy and try to make a fool of him in front of the student body. Billy obviously didn't beat his ass or anything since that would definitely win him a juvenile officer.

  He was the kind of fuck to go to jail for trying to dick the girls in school. Billy wanted to beat his ass anyway, but now he was pissed off and that didn't make Mr. Pedo's case any better.

  Billy was almost headed out of the door when he was grabbed by his arm from the back. He quickly shoved it off of him, he didn't have time for this. The longer he was in the school, the angrier he got.

  "Fuck. Off. I don't have time to help you boost your ego. Looks like you're trying to compensate for something. Probably why you go after underage girls, but that's none of business why you can't satisfy women your own age."

  The whole gym goes silent, with the gossiping student no longer chattering. Billy continues to walk out of the gym door, no caring what that fuck had to say.

He slams the door and runs to the student parking lot, almost slipping on his ass. Billy gets into the car and throws the rest of his stuff into the backseat. Starting the car, he almost clips a few cars, but comes out safe in the whole ordeal.

He couldn't care less, his head is swimming. He just wants to get out of here, away from everyone and everything. Away from everyone who brings him down, sure he knows he's a fucking bitch to be around, but let if slide sometimes.

He drives through town not knowing where the fuck to go. Susan is home and would nark to Neil about it, one hundred percent. Going around speed limit through the back streets since he knew there were truancy officers that drove around during this time and would love to send him back to school.

And if Neil saw him while he was getting to his hideaway ( or where he was going), he was totally fucked. And that God is a sick bastard, that put him on this Earth only to see him suffer.

He dives until he gets to gravel the ads and continues to drive until he finds a few leafy trees to hide his car under. He parks and grabs his runaway bag from the trunk of the car. He starts walking through the woods.

This whole town reeks of judgement. No matter how many lustful stares he gets, they're always judging him when he looks away. No one can ever be happy with him. And why would they, he's a piece of shit, he hurts people and does it so casually they would think it was a normal occurrence.

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