NewsLetter 3: First Time In The Feeling

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( Alexa's POV )
...After i said goodnight i reread me and Vincy's convos. I blushed every time a part came where we did "that"... I never really felt it before so i grabbed a bear and tiger plush. I undressed myself and rubbed the bear's snout on my pussy. I-I wanted more... I did it harder. I got wet.... After a while i felt like i was going to moan but i couldnt allow myself to because of my parents. I tried my best to make myself quiet.... I hungrily bit on the bear's neck and purred, kinda sounding like a growl but not in a mean way. More like a hungry growl. I stared at the tiger plush, determined. I fucked myself ( well, softly ) with the tiger plush before but i was scared to do it so i didnt really do anything. But after i tried doing one thing i wasnt scared at all i really wanted it... I grabbed the tiger plush, closed my eyes, and started to fuck myself with it's tail. I covered my mouth suddenly and moaned inside of my hand loudly. When I stopped i looked at the tiger tail, realized what i was doing and suddenly was scared of myself.

Later on, I wanted to... Feel it again. This was 2 hours later. I shook as I turned on my lamp to see what I was going to do. Then I undressed myself and grabbed the plushies. After a moment of thinking I laid the bear down and placed the tiger on top of it. I stood up and grabbed hold of the tiger tail. Slowly, I started fucking myself, harder and harder. My parents were on the other side of the house so... I moaned. Out loud. It felt really good. I moved back and forth, letting the tail move around as I felt more pleasure. I wanted to moan really loud but I had to keep quiet. I covered my mouth and q ! moaning loudly. I loved it... The tail got deeper and deeper. I moved faster, wanting more and more. I begged for it. I wanted it. "Oh Vincy... I want it!" I tried my best to whisper. It came out as a loud moan since I was trying to keep myself quiet. As i was about to cum, I stopped and grabbed a lot i was gonna use earlier because I felt sick. I was better now, however. Then suddenly I finished it off and cummed into it. I breathed heavily and fell asleep, soon enough.

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