My apologize Part 8

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'I couldn't stop thinking about Matt and in his trunks, why [Name] WHY!? Get you damn heads out of the (dirty) clouds and think straight not some stuff like this and  how his bulgewas stickeeeeeeeeee- no [Name] bad no don't think just let this go-'

"[Name]? Earth to [Name] are you there?" Tom said waving his hands over my face.

I slapped his hands away and cross my arms.

Matt wanting to drop the suject and yelled super childishly, "GUYS GUYS GUYS! LET'S GO TO THE MALL!"

Edd just gave Matt the ," Are you SEROUS right now?" face.

I giggle at his behavior, I wonder how these guys handle him with his childishness Edd and Tom looks at me with the face, 'Please don't make us go to, I beg for mercy!'. I shrug my shoulders and look at Matt who seemed pretty jumpy and excited, I look back at them and smiled, "Where going to the mall!".


"Shopping monta-"


After the shopping montage, I felt hungry and decided to tug on Tom's sweater and he turned around looking pissed for what I had done, "What is it [Name]?" He said.

"Jeez...I'm sorry okay, but you can't say no to Matt's face okay? And I'm starving" I say holding my stomach.

"Go starve.." He said plainly.

" I said I was sorry..." I mumbled.

I walk over to Edd and at least he didn't look mad or literally mad like Tom and tug on his green sweater.

"Hmmmmm? Oh [Name] what is it?" He said kindly.

"Finally someone nicer!" I say so loudly so Tom can hear.

"Anyways...Can we eat..I'm hungry..." I say not so demanding.

"Yea we should eat and I'm also hungry, I'm going to tell Matt we should eat and stop doing a shopping montage!" He said walking to Matt.

I walk silently and felt a poke on my side and that made me giggle and flinch and another poke goes on my side again and I stop walking and start laughing and drop dead on the floor and open my eyes seeing Tom poking me (Big'ol twist huh?) instead of Matt. I quickly get up, "Tom! Why where you poking me?".

"I was trying to get your attention and I-" I cut him off.

"First of all you were mad at me and-" I was cut my Tom.

"Wait! I'm try to explain to you that I'm sorry for being a jerk to you earlier..And what happened to you and Matt, like why were you screaming?"He said curiously.


End here.

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