Part 10:Mall

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I was annoyed I ignored what was happening and zoned out,'Boring Boring...Ughhh that was so stupid of me! Just opening the damn door with out knocking and Matt's body and his ginger face and his-'. I snapped out of my zone and saw a hand waving over my face and it was Tom's I smacked it away.

"Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat do you want?" I said in a annoyed tone rolling my eyes.

He scoffed and rolled his 'eyes' I didn't know how to explain his black holes or black eyes and Edd took over for Tom to speak.

"Riight...Look we where trying to ask you to if you wanted to go on the mall and you seemed zoned out and your were just smiling of whatever and yea..." He said scratching the back of his head.

"R-Right! Sorry for my attitude!" I say nervously smiling.

I look over to the annoyed Tom and not containing hyper Matt and he look like he had so much sugar, and it was really cute! I giggled at his childish behavior, "Ehhh..Lets go now.." Tom said now in his bored tone drinking his flask.

"SHOPPING MONTAGE!?" Matt yelled.

"Shopping monta-"


After the shopping montage:

My stomach growled from hunger.

Edd seemed to look over his shoulder and look at me with his famous smiles, I look at him the look at a different direction and had a tint of pink on my face, which seemed to make him chuckle.

"Aright, okay guys and gal we should go out and eat!"Edd said pointing his finger into a direction.

I tried to follow where he was pointing but I just gave him a confused look and I was grabbed by the wrist by the one and only 'Hyper Matt' and he ran like there was tomorrow and saw Edd and Tom had to run and made it being breathless.

We arrived at [favorite restaurant], I gasp at happiness and soon my childishness became my mood, "OH.MY.LORD!INEVERHADBEENINHEREINSOLOOONG!IMISSEDTHISPLACEIWISHICANCAMEHEREMOREOFTENBUTIDON'TENOUGHTIME!".

"Uhhhh.."Tom said looking so confused.

I grabbed Matt's wrist and dropped everything and made a dash for it in the inside and took a seat and see a panting Tom and Edd once again, I couldn't stop bouncing on the booth chair I was super excited and soon a waiter came in.

"Hello my name is Lily and I will be serving you today and how many people are here today?" She asked so politely.  

"Three adults and one child?"She guessed.

That made me stop bouncing from my sit and gave her 'What the freak do I look a like a damn child to you?' face. While the guys where laughing there butts off since the lady mistaken me for a kid.

"O-oh I'm sorry! I thought! I'm so so sorry!" She said her face blushing crazily.

"I-It's okay!"I say.

Tom was still laughing so hard, I glared at him.

"Do I look that small and young to you guys?" I asked so innocently.

Tom was the first to answer "Hehehe..Yea when w-hehe-e first met yo-u we thought you were a 15 year ki-i-d".

I rolled my arms and crossed.

Our order came and we dug in or should I say I dug in.


After we left we talked about our favorite things I look over to my left and saw a pointy hair and a red sweater...Oh no...


I hadn't realized I rewrote it since my old self gets confused easily.

End here.

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