chapter one

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it was seriously the longest day at work.

after everyone putting their problems on me, then the crazy old bat in apt. 2b had to call the cops because she believed there was intruder in her house when it was actually her son.

so yea I guess you could say I was a little done

*sigh* I was just excited to go home and see gamzee.

he was seriously my best friend he always helped me when I had issues... and I did the same for him. gamzees had a lot of issues and he hasn't had an out burst in over 2 months... guess what I was doing was working,

when I walked in I saw gamzee sitting on the couch drinking his faygo.

"MoTHeR fUCkinG BeSt FrIEnd I mISeD


I gave him a slight smile. "I miss you too gamzam how was your day."

I said as I sat right next to him and started playing with his hair.

"I GuEsS iT wAs oKAy bEsT fRIenD. bUt ThErE iS oNe ThInG tHaT hAD bEen BoThErInG mE FoR QuItE SoMeTimE."

I was a little shocked when something bothered gamzee he always said something right then.

he shot up off the couch and started pacing the room.

"gamzam what's wrong."

he looked right at me and didn't even hesitate.

"iM fLuShEd FoR YoU(your name)!"

I was a little shocked gamzee and I had been living together two years and he never even gave me a hint of being flushed for me.

gamzee kept walking around and finally just fell on the ground. "YoU ThInK iM GrOSs BESt fRiEnD jUsT tElL mE."

I saw a purple tear slide down gamzees grey painted face smearing all his make up.

"best friend." I walked over towards gamzee and sat on his lap, picked up his face and kissed him right on the lips. his black hair curling around my fingers as I moved my hands through it. gamzee pulled me closer with one arm and held my head with the other.

gamzee was so much bigger than me so his hand covered most of the back of my head.

"I'm flushed for you too best friend.

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