chapter three

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sober gamzee was something you didn't want to see he was ruthless, he was mean, and he was scary. gamzee and I were walking hand in hand, into the store when a little girl started tugging on gamzees pants he looked down at her and smiled. "what are those horns on your head for."

she asked and gamzee looked concerned but he laughed" HoNk ThErE's NoT a ReAl ReAsOn WhY tHeIr ThErE I WaS jUsT BoRn LiKe ThIs, hOnK."

of course that's not the reason why they were their. horns are very sensitive to trolls they are equivalent to the male or female genitalia.

"okay!" she said as she skipped away. gamzee was the only troll to move here of course Dave and John and Dirk and all the humans are here but the other trolls stayed put as gamzee came with me.

and since gamzee was the only troll a lot of people were afraid of him. but every once in a while there will be a little girl who takes interest in gamzee.

"you fucking freak! what are you gonna do kidnap that little kid!?" somebody yelled from behind gamzee looked and saw a man maybe in,his 20's that obviously had something against gamzee.

"LoOk MoThEr FuCkEr I jUsT AnSwErEd tHe lItTlE GiRlS QuEstIoN-" the man interrupted gamzee with a punch to the face.

"gamzee!" I yelled as I ran to his side but the man grabbed me by the hair and pulled me to his body. gamzee got up and punched the man in the face. we both fell to the floor and slid into different directions gamzee ran over to the man and punched him over and over in the face. it took two men to pull gamzee off of him. gamzee ran to me and picked me up and ran out the door I looked back to see what was left of the man... his face was covered in blood.

I put ny head into gamzees shoulders and started crying he ran back to the car put me in the back seat and drove home. when we got there gamzee got out of the car and sank to the ground, covered his face and started crying.

I pulled on his arms to get him up, and after pulling for ten minutes he finally got up and walked into the house and sat on the couch.

"ShE JuSt WaNtEd To kNoW." gamzee said crying I sat on his lap and held is head to my chest.

"I love you gamzam."

AuThOrS NoTe

((guys I am so sorry I've been stuck and I honestly didn't think anyone was reading I will try and update as much as I possibly can! ))

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