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It was a lazy Sunday afternoon in the Joseph household. No one was home except for Tyler and his best friend Josh. They were playing a heated game of Mario Kart, until Tyler lost, yet another round that day. Tyler normally never lost, he was the king of Mario Kart.

"Tyler where is your A game? You are so off today." Josh pointed out blatantly.

"I dunno, just not feeling it I suppose." Tyler seemed extremely uninterested in the conversation.

Josh chose to ignore his friends lack of interest and continued to start another round.

"Okay fine something is wrong." Tyler admitted, not wanting to be ignored again.

"What is it?"

"You won't like what I have to say." Tyler looked down at his feet, shuffling them back and forth across the wooden panels.


"I've been feeling, well, ignored recently."

Josh's face remained unchanged as he stared blankly at Tyler waiting for an explanation.

"I just mean that maybe you don't find me important anymore or something. You're always with Debby anyways. So maybe there's no room left for me." Tyler blurted, the words rushing from his lips, unable to sensor them.

"Tyler, Debby's my girl- almost girlfriend and I'm really trying to get in the end zone with her ya know. So what if I ditch you one day for her? Get over it." Josh replied with more anger than either of them would have liked.

"Almost girlfriend? She's not even into you man, she made that clear when she kissed another guy at homecoming while she was your 'date'." Tyler made air quotes with his fingers.

"Tyler! What the hell man you know that's all just gossip anyways, she was with me the whole night! You're probably just jealous you didn't have a date of your own." Josh said, too defensively.

Tyler's face fell, "Fine maybe you should just go over to her house and play Mario Kart with her instead! Continue to just fucking ignore me!!"

"Tyler that's not what I wanted to say."

"Well it obviously was otherwise you wouldn't have said it!" Tyler was getting more angry by the minute.

"Tyler what I mean is that I think you should just get over the fact that you aren't the only person in my life!"

"Fine! Done! I don't care at all! Like I said you can just leave!"

"No Tyler I don't want to. Wether or not I have a girlfriend you are still my best friend." Josh's anger melted as the truth to the words he had just spoken resonated within him.

When they were little and would get in fights one of them would tickle the other to make them forget about it. It worked every time. Soon they would be laughing on the floor like a bunch of idiots. Josh thought about this for the first time in a long time. He figured the same rules applied to this fight too. Why not try to cheer Tyler up? Josh had obviously messed up and Tyler was angry.

"Fine stay, just don't talk to me."

"Tylerrrr." Josh begged. "Don't be angry with me."

Josh poked Tyler's stomach with his index finger.

"What the hell are you doing?" Tyler did not remember their old trick to forget fights.

Josh smiled and put both his hands on Tyler's torso and began to tickle him.

"Josh what are you doing!?" Tyler couldn't help but laugh and squirm under Josh's touch.

"Don't you remember when we were little?"

That was all it took for Tyler's memories to come flooding back. All the times they would end up on the floor having forgotten why they were even fighting in the first place.

"Josh! How did you even remember that?"

The tickling stopped momentarily as Josh explained, "Well I haven't thought about that in years but that's because we haven't fought at all since we were little. Granted, our fights were mostly about sharing toys. But, seeing you upset at me for the first time in so long made me remember. I don't ever want you to be upset at me Ty. And all that stuff I said, I didn't mean it. I just didn't want to admit that you're right, I don't have a shot with Debby."

"Josh that's not true."

"No need to worry about it. Plus I'm not done tickling you."

Josh immediately went back to tickling Tyler ferociously. Tyler attempted to tickle Josh back but didn't have much luck.

Before they knew it they were falling off the couch onto the floor, but they didn't mind. Tyler ended up on top of the older boy, chest to chest, inches away from his face.

"Sorry sorry." Tyler began to move frantically, trying to sit up. He was caught by two strong arms that pressed him down and kept him there.

"Don't be sorry." Josh said, looking deeply into Tyler's eyes.

Tyler wasn't sure what to do. Sure they were best friends but they never really touched as much as they were right now. And while Tyler was openly Bi, his best friend had never talked romantically about anyone except Debby. To Josh, Tyler didn't have a crush. But in reality Tyler had loved Josh for years now. He just never did anything about it. What could he do anyways?

Tyler wanted so desperately to lean down and just peck his lips to Josh's. So he decided, fuck it, whats the worst that could happen?

Tyler kissed Josh ever so lightly and then pulled away shyly.

"Sorry." Tyler said again.

"Like I said Ty, don't be sorry."

Josh left one arm wrapped around Tyler's waist, and took his free hand up to cup Tyler's chin and pull his face closer. As soon as their lips met, they melted into each other. It came surprisingly easy to both of them.

The kiss was light and airy like puffy clouds on a summers day. So full of tenderness, yet so careful.

The kiss only lasted a few seconds before Tyler pulled away to look at his best friend, whom he loved so much.

"You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that." Tyler confessed.

Josh giggled, "How long?"


"Me too."

And with that, they continued to kiss under the rays of the sun that peaked through the curtains.

Hi guys! It feels good to be back doing something I love. I had a lot of fun writing this so I hope you have just as much fun reading it. I'm going to start a new story soon so make sure to be on the lookout for that. Love y'all!

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Sep 02, 2018 ⏰

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