Chapter 1: After-Intro?

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I am so very very, truly truly sorry that I haven't written in a while. I was to busy helping my sister with her homework, driving my brother around and being a very helpful person in the kitchen for my mum.

I put my needs aside and help others since that's what I'm best at! I do it for free- no pay, no credit no nothing just the warm smiles on their faces!

I even pretended to be my older brother for this week so I could ace his Year Nine Exams.

Haha, no?

So first off before I bounce off to Rainbow-Happy Land I have a few very very VERY. VERY. VERY. Important announcements to make.

-Did anyone realize above that I wrote-

"I was driving my brother around"


"I even pretended to be my older brother for this week so I could ace his Year Nine Exams."

I don't know about anyone else, but the age limit for driving where I live is 17- and clearly my brother is younger than 17 and I am younger than him so.......

I hope that woke you up because now you can start studying for your upcoming test and hope that it doesn't include logic, common sense or any daily activities!

I'm being serious.

Leave Right Now

And take your last bit of dignity with.

So if you are still here cool because I'm a very very Very. VERY. VERY NICE PERSON OKKAYY?

Now come to me I am secretly tempting you with a bag of lollies.

So now I'm hoping that no one followed that 'request' because then I'll have a bunch of strangers at my door step and that'll be weird. Umm. We could go out for a picnic I guess.


This is my first chapter of...... While I'm writing this I have not titled this story but it'll probably be called something spastic like 'Shooting To the Moon!' Ok I won't do that. Maybe, 'I HEART Peaches.' I actually don't know, hmmm. Well welcome to *Insert Lame Title of This Book Here* WOW. I JUST THOUGHT OF THE PREVNEIDK NSOWJCBSLCNBCKWE MOST PERFECT TITLE.


So you're probably wondering

A.) Why am I still on this page?

B.) Is this supposed to be funny?


C.) Where are the cookies I was promised?

Here are my answers.

A.) Don't worry, I'm wondering that too.



C.) Wow. Just Wow. Obviously I was lying about the cookies when I wrote 'wink wink' after 'If you read this I will come to your house and give you a plate of cookies.'


So this story- hopefully I've done a intro for this "story" I'm writing because I don't know what to write now.....








I promise the next chapter will be better




Ok. AN IDEA.!!

Not really I'm ending this chapter really short because it was meant to be a introduction thingy but then I had one too many Rainbow-Monkey-Happy Pill and BOOM I was writing like a CHIMP-AN-ZEE.

So Question One. *drum roll*

Do you think this chapter was stupid- answer honestly because I think it was.

P.S Who cares about honest just say it was amazing.

Question 2.

*drum roll*

Do you know why my parents hasn't sent me to the luni-bin (pronounced loo-ny, short for Lunatic) bin?

P.S I don't know the answer to this yet seriously I don't. I am so tempted to put a smiley face here. Hmm.


So I just wasted about 5minutes of your life, (2 if you were smart and skipped half of it) Comment I don't know why I'm posting this anymore it was meant to be a ranting sort of story. Next chapter will be better.

*and as I said before don't tell me this chapter sucks because I know. Really. I do. I wrote it.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2012 ⏰

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