Ch.1 The Nightmare Begins

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-Dedicated to amylivingmylife for my wonderful banner-


My name is Victoria Shamir Miles. I am a Shadow, one of the fiercest beings in the world. I don't say Earth, cause technically, we don't live there. However, thanks to Earth, we can survive through its people. Most vampire legends come from us. The whole human blood sucking, roast in the daytime; that sort of nonsense. However, through that folklore, you may find some truth. We enjoy sucking human blood, but that's a delicacy that comes with our meal. Human flesh is what we live on. We don't enjoy the sun because our eyes are more suited for the night. You can barely separate our pupils from our dark irises, and if you can, then you're too close to us.

"Victoria, take the left flank of the town." I do as my mentor, Geranthatis, tells me to. Tonight's the night we decided the raid the smallest town we could possibly find in the Human Realm.

I feel a tugging on my shirt, and turn around to see two little boys staring up at me with innocent eyes.

"Can you help us find our mommy?" They ask. I almost snicker, remembering a scene like this in a movie I watched when I was human.

"Sure. Hold my hands so you don't get lost, okay?" These two were probably the bait humans liked to offer up for the sake of the whole town. How gullible were humans? Two little boys can't possibly feed a whole nation of Shadows, can it?

"Hey, Kiren. I have something for ya." I shove the two boys toward my partner, and 'classmate', Kiren. He raises his eyebrows.” They’re looking for theirmother," I tell him. I can see that he's trying to hold back laughter as well. I see amusement in his blue eyes. Kiren is the only Shadow that has blue eyes, thanks to some annoying human scientists that all but tortured him when he was little.

"Gerry, we can start now," Kiren signals Geranthatis by biting down on a chip placed on his back molar. I feel the static in the air, and I know my mentor's just about to attack. I run to the house I'm supposed to be covering, and position myself in front of the door.

A black thunderbolt hits the ground, and I know it's time to act. I knock on the door.Silence.I knock again.

"S-stay away!" a woman cries. I crack a small grin.

"Incoming," I say before kicking the door down. A woman is huddled up in the corner with two children in her lap. Where's the husband? I sniff the air.Behind you. I pivot around, and sock the man in the stomach.

"Hey, I may be 4'11, but I'm ultimately stronger than you, old man," I say, slitting his neck open. His breath catches, and he tries to speak, but he's too late now. Choking on his own blood, he tumbles to the ground.

"I know who you are! Stay back, demon!" The woman cries. She's now standing, holding a cross up in front of her. I raise my eyebrows.

"Demon? Now that's hurtful. I used to be human too," I tell her.

"Stay back!" she threatens me with it. I laugh slightly. Humans...what did they know about my kind?

I rush at her in a speed that's certainly faster than the human eye can catch, and I plunge my hand through her stomach. Her scream echoes from all around.

"My...children..." she utters before going limp. The children stare at me, wide eyed. I'm sure I have splatters of blood on my face.

"And I was hoping to take them alive too..." I sigh. I scoop up both children, and carry them outside of the house. They're both struggling through my grip, but they're no match for a Shadow's strength. Even a full grown male human wasn't a match for a twelve year old female Shadow like me. How pitiful.

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