A Rocker With Rocks In His Hands

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October the Sixth:

"-Good morning, Gerard!
-Then start talking because today's not such a great day...
-What's up?
-You talk, not me.
-Okay, Remember the day I wanted to kick you with a rock? Then you ran to the woods?" He giggles a little. 


"What's all these rocks for?"

"To throw it... at you, you better run."
"Run."  I do as he says and start running as he throws some rocks at me, some hit me some didn't. I run and I don't know where I am running to. There's just trees and weird sounds. I stumbled and hit the ground.
"I got you!" He gets on top of me and forces his hands at mine, he smiles as I try to get out of his possession.
"Stop moving or bad things will happen to you, Gee Gee."
"Like what?" I ask
"Like uh... uhm... shut up!"  Some time after he takes all forces off and I just feel his bare weight on top of me. We stayed in this position for what seemed like 15 minutes silent nature with us. "I think we're lost, Gee..."
"That's all your fault!
-I didn't tell you to go to the woods!
-I was running for my life!
-Shut up and hold my hand..." I did as he said and after half an hour we found our way back.


"I'm just glad you didn't have enough rocks to kill me...

-That wasn't the idea behind the rocks."

-Then what was?"
My alarm rings. Frank smiles
"See you tomorrow, Gee!"
"Next month!"

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