What if Germany won ww2?

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Let's just dive right in. If the Nazis had launched operation sea lion earlier on in the war and were successful then in theory the United Kingdom and Ireland would have been captured and would of been under German ruling. This would of allowed Germany to focus fully on pushing into the Soviet union. While the Soviet would of been largely absorbed by Germany it's more than likely that parts of it would of been given to their allies being Japan and Italy  (the axis of power). As for the United Kingdom, Winston Churchill would of most certainly been jailed for life or murdered and the monarchy would of probably fled to one of the only remaining independent counties, Canada.

Italy and other allies to Germany would of been gifted parts of land from African countries however Italy would of more than likely received the most as they were the strongest allies with Germany. On the same topic as Italy, Mussolini would of remained in power of Italy and the National Fascist Party and would of remained strong buddies with Adolf himself.

As for the commonwealth countries, Canada was already named independent where as Australia was not. There is the slight possibility that Japan would of attempted to name Australia there's with Germany eyeing up Canada for a potential invasion if a move into NA ever happened.

Fascism would of continued to grow in the West, communism still would of been viewed as an enemy. It is likely that China and newly German- occupied Russia would of never become communist countries.

Without the growth of Communism it is highly likely that Korea would not of divided into 2 separate parts during the cold war as North Korea would of never been allowed to bow to bolshevik ideals in the first place.

If Japan had not declared war on the United States then they may never of been involved in the first place, leaving Europe to itself. Theoretically if America had not stood up to the Fascist then history as we know it could of been entirely different. There are 2 majot events that most certainly would not of happend, these being pear harbour and the American atomic bomb drops in Japan  (hiroshima and nagasaki) which would of re-written these parts of history completely.

The Nazis could of potentially been the ones dropping the bombs as they themselves were working towards creating their own in a nuclear programme in the late 1930's, had American not been under servere pressure to get there first then it's very much likely the Nazis would of been first.

Now onto how day-to-day life. In a totalitarian world, Hitler's  third right would commission all films and television shows the same of course for books, paintings, theaters and many more. In Schools, kids would read the book Mein Kampf and would mostly train in sports. Hitler believed that Women had no other purpose but to give birth to children and stay in the kitchen so little to no females would be given or allowed jobs. On the very small chance that Hitler allowed social media, it would be heavily monitored and if anyone was spotted critiquing Hitler's ways, it would result in tracking and murder.

To end this topic, no we wouldn't not all be speaking German!!

Thank you for reading I hope this made you think. Chapter 2 coming soon :)

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