Partners, Part Two

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---- NOV 6TH, 2038 ----

---- 12:10:33 AM ----

The ride to the scene uneventful, at best. Connor and Hank took Hank's car, leaving me to sit in my own car and listen to my own music versus the blasting Knights of the Black Death. I decided to blast an album that came out five years after I was born: Pray for the Wicked. When I got there, I noticed that only Hank stepped out of the car. I groaned, hitting my head against the wheel. I got out though, and walked over to Hank's old car. I tapped on the passenger window, motioning for Connor to come out. 

"Thank you for helping Connor," I said as it stepped out. We began to walk into the dingy house together. I could already smell the rotten corpse, and I wrinkled my nose at it. 

"You're welcome, Detective Elsanor." Connor said, looking at me as we began to make out way up the road.

"Just call me Mae, my last name makes me sound too formal," I insisted, smiling at the android. It nodded as we approached the walkway.

The cop standing there stepped forward to block Connor, "Androids are not permitted beyond this point."

"It's with me and Hank," I said, taking Connor's hand and pulling it up the path as we caught up with Hank. He side glanced at me and Connor and I could see him roll his eyes.

"What part of 'stay in the car' didn't you understand?" Hank grumbled.

"I understood perfectly, but your order contradicted my instructions and Detective Elsanor asked me to come inside anyway Lieutenant. Two against one," Connor spoke, looking Hank directly in the eyes. Hank glared at me.

"You don't talk, you don't touch anything and you stay outta my way, got it?" Hank ordered. I felt my fists clench, why am I getting so over protective. It's an android!

"Got it," Connor said, beginning to walk in. Hank stayed behind though, groaning and running his hands over his face.

"Hank, it bought you two drinks. At least be nice to it," I said, lightly punching his shoulder. He glared at me this time, and I could feel my stomach twist in a knot. Must be an off day for him I guess. I stepped back and allowed Hank to pass into the house.  I was behind him by a few steps.

You see, Hank has always been my partner. At this point, he's almost like a father to my siblings and I. Almost immediately after I met him was when Cole died. I helped him through that, so we pretty much bonded instantly. We were both dealing with losses. But occasionally he'll get an episode and push everyone away. I try my best to respect that, because I'll get those too.

Hank began talking to another officer and I followed Connor's steps, staying out of ear range of the cop on purpose. I liked to figure out what happened as I went along with everything. Connor could probably help speed that process up as well. 

We both walked inside and I wrinkled my nose, pulling my shirt over my face. I groaned at the smell, looking around to see that the windows were already open. The smell must have been worse before hand. I noticed that there was writing on the wall behind the dead body, "I AM ALIVE." It sent a chill down my spine, and I started forward slowly. My eyes scanned the whole room, taking everything in. Connor followed behind me, also looking around. 

Hank somehow managed to push past us and got to the body first. "Uh, state he's in... Wasn't worth calling everybody out in the middle of the night... Could've waited 'til morning."

He wasn't wrong, the body was already going through the stages of decaying. His shirt rode up a little, and his hair was greased over. I could tell that he had been here a while, his body was slumped in what looked like an uncomfortable position against the wall. I, personally, would have moved a long time ago. Blood was smeared against the wall behind him, and the light next to him was knocked over but the light bulb was not broken. Still, one of the DPD officers had placed a lamp next to him to highlight his body in the dump that was his home. 

"I'd say he's been there for a good three weeks. We'll know more when the coroner gets here," One of the accompanying officers said, moving his hand over his mouth again. "There's a kitchen knife over here..." Connor moved around, observing the scene once more. "Probably the murder weapon..."

I knelt next to the body, "Any sign of a break-in?" I asked, looking at the wounds in his chest. 

Hank looked to the officer as he answered, "Nope. The landlord said the front door was locked from the inside, all the windows were boarded up. The killer must've gone out the back way." Hank scanned the body as I stood back up, looking at Connor as it analyzed the body. 

"What do we know about his android?" Hank asked, scanning the writing on the wall now. 

"Not much." The officer said, looking at Connor and then back to the body. "The neighbors confirmed he had one, but it wasn't here when we arrived." He shifted uncomfortably, "I gotta get some air. Make yourself at home. I'll be outside if you need me."

I scoffed, "Right. Like I'd live here."

Connor whirred something, "Detective Elsanor, you live in a house this small, if not smaller-"

"Connor, rhetorical comment," I said, stepping around a pile of trash. Hank chuckled, looking around as well. Connor adjusted its sleeves, scanning the room. 

Hank was looking at the words as Connor continued to look around, not moving, so I joined Hank, "Each letter is perfect..."

"I'd say they almost look beautiful," I mumbled.

Hank gave me a side look and I shrugged, "Still way too neat, no human writes like this."

"I think that's the point, Hank."

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