Chapter 1

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Parents: kids! We're going out. Loris in charge (they leave)
Lori: everyone, here now!
As you know mom and dad have left me in charge. This means: No music, No mud, No pranks, No explosions, No dress up, No sport, No running around naked, No paint and No video games
Lincoln: isn't it funny how everything you have said can relate to at least one of us except you.
Everyone except Lori: YEAH!
Lori: what about Lucy, she can't relate to anything I said.
Lucy: I was gonna paint my half of our room again.
Lori: oh anyway GET TO CLEANING!
Lola: this is all Lincoln's fault
Lucy: what do you mean?
Lola: he told mom and dad they deserve a break
Lucy: but they do
Lola: yeah they do but now we have to deal with the queen of no. If Lincoln didn't tell them to take a break no of this would have happened
Lana: yeah if he wasn't here our lives would be so much easier and I would be rolling around in mud
Lola: I would be playing dress up
Luna: I would be rocking out
Luan: I would be pranking everyone
Lucy: but he's our brother, he just wants mom and dad to enjoy them selves
Lola: well if you think he's right maybe both of you should leave!
( Lucy runs of crying)
Luna: don't you think you were a little too harsh, dude
Lola: nah, she can deal with it

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