Chapter 4

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Lola: LILY! What's wrong stop crying! What's this? A note?
Lynn: has anyone seen Lucy all her clothes are gone, and she's not in bed
Everyone: what!?
Lola: Lucy and Lincoln have ran away
Everyone: what!?
Luan: this must have been our fault
Lola: yeah, I told them to leave
(Everyone cry's)
Lynn: I really miss them
Lori: same
Lincoln: we're here Lucy. Lucy? Lucy?!
Lucy : please can we have a room?
Motel employee: sorry little girl you need an adult with you to get a room
Lucy: oh
Lincoln: Lucy, don't run off like that.
Sorry about my granddaughter
Lucy: granddaughter? Im your...
Lincoln: Lucy let me do the talking
Lucy: fine
Lincoln: sorry she's very excited. Anyways, Lincoln loud sighting in.
Motel employee: ok, you can have room 2a sir.
Lincoln: thank you
Lucy: how did you do that?
Lincoln: white hair
Lucy: oh
Royal woods the next day
Lori: there still not home
Leni: do you think we should go look for them.
Lori: maybe we should
Lynn: no they don't want us to look for them remember
Leni: but they are family
Lynn: which is why we should respect there choice. Anyway, I enjoy having my own room.
Lori: Lincoln's 11
Lynn: they will be back soon anyway
Luan: maybe your right
Lincoln: quiet at last
Lucy: yeah, now I can write poetry without going in the vents. It can get pretty crowded in there sometimes
Lincoln: Luce, do you wanna get pizza?
Lucy: sure
( they eat pizza but remember their family)
Lincoln: does this remind you of what we did when there was one slice left.
Lucy: yeah
( look at picture of family)
Lucy: we don't have to fight anymore
Lincoln: yeah now we might not eat the whole thing.
Lucy: yeah, maybe we should save the leftovers for tomorrow
Lincoln: yeah
Royal woods
( they eat the pizza)
Lynn: 3 slices left
Lori: I don't want anymore
Everyone: neither do I
Lori: pets!
(Pets come running)
Lori: here
( gives them the left over pizza)
(6 days later) royal woods
Luna: it's been a week
Lisa: why won't they just come home already?
( everyone cries)

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