Chapter 1

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"Trust me, I'm going easy on you." Across the damp streets of Manhattan, a womanly figure stands among  the cars, people flooding the streets, evacuating.

"Friday, what do we got?" Tony rockets by, landing beside his fellow Avengers.

"Seems like a large energy source, boss." 

  Beside Tony, in his armored suit, the man in red white and blue stands up straight, examining the situation. "Maybe it could be from the Tessaract..." Cap suggests.

"Maybe." Tony retracts his head armor. "Hey, lady! You know that it costs money for Uber, right?" The woman draws her attention from the terrified driver. 

"Ah, 'Earth's Mightiest Heros'. There's no need to stop me, when I've already won." She takes a step forward.

"Who are you, and why are you harassing these innocent people. They haven't hurt you." A man in a red cape steps forward, past Captain America. The woman gives him a wicked smirk.

"Aren't I allowed to have a little fun?" She laughs. It's then, when Thor shifts his hammer in his hand.

"You don't know who you are dealing with, woman." He replies, taking another step towards her.

"You didn't answer his question. Who are you?" Tony doesn't hesitate to speak up.

"I, am Zhered-Na, the nightmare you never saw coming." She gives a hard, condescending stare before walking towards them. "And you have no chance against me."

The mighty Avengers stand firm, ready for anything coming their way, but aren't ready for particularly "anything", for they have stepped into something, as she said, "Never saw coming". And perhaps is a nightmare....If you haven't been around children.

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