ask for directions 6

16 0 0

" im actually lost, can you give me the directions for room TLS "

"Ohh..." he stumbles on his words. He looked up at you and continued this time looking a little more agrovated...
"It's around the school in the north south east westy location were there are cool kids unlike you"
He shoves you out of the way and then walked of as if nothing happened.

You find yourself on the floor with tears running down your face. You cant move... you are frozen in fear and are struggling to breath. You feel as if you are drowning in an ocean with rocks tied to your feet and you think no one can help.

You find yourself thinking about everyway you have ever annoyed on angered someone in your life... untill
"Hey do you need some help"
A girl reaches out her hand...
You are to scared to respond and annoy her to
You look up to see blue along with a teacher or two.

You respond
page 7
You stay quite and go to class
Page 8

hearts and heroes choose your own adventure Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt