return of an old high-school friend

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When Roxanne went on the plane she was sad that she was leaving La and her best friend behind but she knew it was for the best because when she gets back to her old home town she will have a new life with her old high school friends including her one true love Max even though they broke up because she had move away but now that she's moving back thanks for being different once she gets back to her old home town when the plane landed she got all of her stuff and headed off the plane too Max s College there she will be reunited with her old high school friends and when she got to the college she got herself a dorm room and started to unpack her stuff and when she was all done she decided too look around the campus and see what the college had to offer when she was exploring the campus she spotted a cafe and decided to head inside meanwhile Max Bobby PJ and beret girl we're all hanging out having fun and remembering the good times and looking back on the old days with the college X Games and when Max decide to get up to get a coffee accidentally bump into someone and said sorry I didn't see you miss are you okay Justin Roxanne lifted her eyes up to see Max staring right at her and Max was surprised Roxanne is that you Max said surprise and happy to see her yes it's me Max Roxanne said blushing Max and Roxanne hug each other and went over to the table too Bobby and PJ and Bray girl to say hi to them oh Roxanne this is Bray girl PJ's girlfriend Bray girl this is Roxanne she is my ex-girlfriend from high school and I hope you girls can be friends and the girls said hello and they all sat down and Max was wondering why Roxanne was at their college and why did she move back but he will have to find that out from her later right now he was so happy she came back in his life he did not know if she would still want to be with him after all those years little did he know Roxanne felt the same way about him they all end up showing Roxanne around the college campus and when was time for everybody to turn in for the night Max offer Roxanne to take her back to her dorm room and she accept when they got back they both said goodnight but Max said to Roxanne if she wants to go out sometime hang out like they used to and Roxanne gladly accept it with that Roxanne turned in for tonight and got a good night sleep

I know I know I'm not the best writer go ahead make fun of me I'm not going to make fun of you if you don't like the story then that's okay I understand just wanted to do something nice really enjoy well I hope you all like it thank you

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