Roxanne's nightmare

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I might add a song into the story so let me know what you think so far and thank you for the support

It was around like 1 clock in the morning and Roxanne was tossing and turning in her sleep having a nightmare the nightmare she was having a wonderful time with Max and all of a sudden Bradley and his friends showed up with guns in their hand and pointed a gun at Max and Roxanne the gun was about to fire at Roxanne when all of a sudden Max jump in front of Roxanne and got shot in the chest and was taken to the hospital Roxanne was waiting in the waiting room when the doctor came out and said he didn't make it and Roxanne broke down crying and screaming and she was heartbroken and devastated and saying why why why it should have been me not him this can't be happening Roxanne said with a heartbroken she kept screaming when she heard who voiced saying Roxy wake up when Roxanne open her eyes she saw Max with a concern look on his face Max said Roxanne are you okay he said Softly Roxanne hag Max really tightly and brought her face to his chest and cry long and hard Max wrapped his arms around her waist and run his fingers through her hair and Rock her back and forth to calm her down what's wrong honey did you have a nightmare Max said Softly Roxanne nodded her head and said yes do you want to talk about it said max with a soft voice Roxanne told Max everything that happened in her dream and when she was done she broke down again crying Max once again brought her into his arms and said it's okay it's okay shhh everything's going to be alright I'm here Max said comforting her with so much love he lifted her chin wipe away her tears and kiss her on the lips and she kissed back without sinking they both fell back on the bed with Max on top of her when the kiss ended they both look into each other's eyes and blush and Max off her and back on his side of the bed and Roxanne was still upset so max decided to sing to her to make her feel better I got myself emotion and one I know that you'll understand except the world in motion by reaching out for each other hands maybe we'll discover what we should have known all along one way or another 2 gathered where we both belong if you listen to each other's hearts find another thing far apart and maybe love it's the reason why for the first time ever we're seeing it eye to eye Max song So Soft and gentle tooth girlfriend that Roxanne join the last part seeing it eye to eye seeing it eye to eye for the first time for the first time eye to eye they both say the last part together and after that Max was surprise he never knew that Roxanne had a beautiful voice and fell in love with her even more so they both kiss each other tonight and fell asleep each others arms for the rest of the night and no more nightmares after that

I hope you all like The Story So Far thank you so much sorry I'm not good with writing the lyrics to the song of A Goofy Movie sorry anyway thank you and good night

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