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(Minho's P.O.V)


Light. That's the first thing that jolted me fully awake as my eyes fluttered open.

I frowned.

Light from where? My eyes travelled upwards, to the Sun. It was morning! A surge of emotions flooded through me, whipping up like a tempest in my mind. We'd made it 'till morning! And we were still alive!

I yanked myself up from my vine-cocoon and looked up to see Newt and Thomas grinning down at me. The pain in my ankle had receded to a dull throb, though it still pained me to put pressure on it, as I found out when I thumped to the ground and staggered forward, cringing.

"Hey, take it easy, dude!" Thomas called as he plummeted to the ground after me. Newt rolled his eyes and swung down the vine like a monkey, landing behind us with barely a sound.

We all grinned and I gestured to the walls that were now beginning to rumble open.

"Lets get the shucking hell outta here!" I growled. "They'd better let us have a day off."

This received a grin from Thomas and a glare from Newt.

"You're in no bloody condition to run, anyway."

My head drooped. The shank was right; will I ever be able to run again? Or will I be crippled, like Newt. Perhaps it's not broken and merely sprained? I hoped against all odds this was the case, and we continued our trek back to the walls in silence.

I received the sight of the glade with a whopping grin, quickening my pace to get away from the dreaded walls. Alby greeted us straight away with a barrage of questions and complaints. I blocked him out, walking straight past him, and collapsed onto the grass.

My eyes fluttered closed and I felt someone land next to me. Edging my eyelids open once more, I saw Thomas face down in the grass.

"What the hell you doing, shank?"

Thomas rolled onto his back, face smudged with mud and grass stains. "Smelling the Earth."

I chuckled and sat up. Newt was conversing with Alby while the other boys, relieved from their jobs, came to ask what had happened. Newt nodded me over and I left Thomas with his beloved grass and hobbled over to them.

"You're foot still hurt?"

I nodded.

"Hey, Jeff. Get over here!" Alby called to an approaching Glader.

Jeff. The Med-Jack.

"Sort out Minho's foot would ya? Thinks he's broken it."

Jeff nodded and arched an eyebrow.

"Lay down."

With a grunt I complied, feeling the damp earth beneath my legs once more. I tugged off the shoe and presented my foot. Jeff carefully pressed his fingers against my ankle, sending a surge of pain ripple through my foot. My wince didn't go unheeded.

After more examination, the Med-Jack came to a conclusion.

"It's not broken. Just sprained pretty badly. You should be recovered in the next few days."

I collapsed with relief.

I'd still be able to run!

I just hoped after the next few days off from running, my agenda would return to normal, and eventually we'd find the exit. A way out of this place.

If there even was an exit...

the end!!


Author's Note

(Author's P.O.V)


omg. i'm suuuuppeeerr shucking bad at endings. i apologise. but whatever.

really short story, huh? yeah, i know. it was only meant to be, like, a five minute read or something!

i hope you enjoyed it, anyhow! as you can probably tell - maybe? - i am a really big fan of the maze runner. obviously, i read the books long before the movie was announced (like a year and a half before?) and i was sooooo shucking excited when i heard the news! haha. anyway. the maze runner fandom is really shucking amazing, so if you're part of it, 'yo! you're a pretty awesome shank!' :)

obviously, in the book, some of the gladers get trapped in the maze and survive, and this is pretty much what this is, but different. i read the book quite a while ago, so i can't actually remember what happens. this was just me writing a random story 'bout it, so it's not actually based around the event that occurs in the maze runner. 'kay? :)

thanks for reading and commenting and voting and whatever (if ya did) it really means a shucking lot to me - your support is what allows me to continue my writing, otherwise i probably would have given up a long time ago! i mean, i enjoy writing - quite a lot - but if nobody is enjoying reading it, then why bother, ya know?

okay. that's enough from me!

well, almost.

i'd like to inform you that i have other fanfictions on the go at the moment, and i'd really appreciate you checking them out!

i have lots of hobbit/lotr stories, and a thor fanfic. i'm also planning a newt fanfiction.

i'd just appreciate it if you checked out some of my other works and shared your thoughts and opinions!

okay. that's about it!

thank you so much for sticking with me to the end!

you're all shucking amazing! and i babble waaaay too much.

whatever. i'm a shank.

~ _imagine_fantasy_

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