Chapter 9

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I woke up late the next day and barely made it to my seat in time for the lesson. Heather Moore gave me a nasty you’re-such-a-loser smirk as I hurried pass her, giving her a dirty look in return. Alex sat at the desk looking drop-dead gorgeous as usual, smirking in amusement as he saw the whole ordeal with Heather.

I sank into me seat and slumped forward onto the desk. I was beyond tired and I was already dreading the day ahead.

Mr. Cooper started to call out names for the register and I thought I saw him pause at him name and look at me suspiciously before continuing on. I was probably paranoid.

“Sleep well?” Alex whispered huskily in my ear and there was a hint of amusement in his voice.

My breath caught in my throat slightly at having him so close to my face. I composed myself before I turned to face him with a glare on my face, but I faltered slightly when I realised just how close he was. But I managed to pull myself together

“Shut up.” I groaned, I certainly did not sleep well and I knew he could tell that from my appearance.

Dark shadows had appeared under my eyes and I looked a little paler than usual due to my nightmares. I was visibly exhausted, the only other time I felt this tired was when I had ran an eight-hundred meter race a few years ago, at least then I had the adrenaline pumping through my body.

Alex snorted at my obvious annoyance and turned his attention back to the front of the class.

“Ass.” I muttered under my breath, but Alex still seemed to hear me.

His body shook with silent laughter and I turned to glare at him again. Why did he enjoy teasing me so much? Oh yeah, I already knew, he was an ass.

“Ass?” He said, his eyes dancing with amusement, “How charming!”

His shoulders shook with more laughter and he let out a light chuckle, causing a few people to turn around and glance back at us and Mr. Cooper eyes us suspiciously. I shot Alex another glare and turned back to see what Mr. Cooper was droning on about.

“For these next few lessons you will all be required to prepare for your project, as well as outside of class.” He stated, “I’ll be coming round to check up on how you are working and making notes on what topic you have chosen. Don’t forget, I will also be assessing how well you work in a group, so let’s begin.”

I sighed and turned towards Alex who was rolling his eyes and has his jaw set in a hard line. Yeah, I wasn’t looking forward to working with him especially since he was in the piss-off-ember-mode. I just hoped that he actually helped me with the work.

Before I could talk, Mr. Cooper appeared at out desk, shifting his glasses up higher on his nose. He seemed to just pop out of nowhere and I jumped slightly, he glanced in my direction as if studying me briefly then turned towards Alex giving him a knowing look, to which Alex nodded in reply with a serious expression on his face. I wanted to ask what was going on but I couldn’t find the right words.

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