Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Next day, I got to biology early. Mr. Cooper was already in the classroom, fiddling with some paperwork, and smiled at me as I walked pass him before he returned his attention to his work. I felt a little nervous knowing I was the only one in the class with him. I never forgot that conversation he had with Alex.  He obviously knew what was going on, along with Alex and Aya, and felt the need to keep it from me. It seemed that a dull ache had taken up residency behind my eyes, as I tried to figure the whole mess out.

I slid into my seat and took out my note book where I started to doodle on the back page randomly. I was in the middle of drawing a very artistic pattern of swirls and stars when Mr. Cooper looked up from his paperwork and sighed. My pen froze, hovering above my notebook.

“How are you, Ember?” He asked me, peering over his glasses.

I dropped my pen in surprise as if I was caught doing something wrong and folded my arms on the desk.

“I’m good, sir.” I forced a smile, “What about you?”

“I’m well, thank you.” He smiled and stood up behind his desk.

He walked over to my seat and I found myself sitting a little straighter, as if I was trying to cover up the fact I was more than a little frightened. But despite my nervousness, I found Mr. Coopers brown eyes surprisingly warm. I never noticed until now, but Mr. Cooper was rather good looking.

He had midnight black hair that was very neat and tidy that had a very few gray hairs in his side burns, warm chocolate eyes that had crow’s feet at the edges and a set of perfect white teeth. He wore black rimmed glasses but other than that he wore quite casual clothes for a teacher; a checked shirt and gray cardigan, with jeans.

“How are you doing with the project?” He asked, smiling warmly at me, “Alex can be a little difficult, cant he?”

I laughed lightly but somewhat awkwardly. I couldn’t forget his conversation with Alex that I had overheard and knew that he was keeping some kind of secret along with Alex and now Aya, so I felt a little nervous. Not to mention, I didn’t usually speak much with M. Cooper anyway, so it was weird talking to him all of the sudden.

“The project is going good, although Alex can be…somewhat difficult like you said.” I forced a smile and tucked a stand of hair behind my ear out of nervousness.

Mr. Cooper chuckled and smiled widely at me, “That’s good to hear, but Alex always has had an attitude.”

“Do you know him well then?” I pressed since Mr. Cooper seemed to know Alex quite well from the way he spoke about him. I already knew that they were closer than teacher and student because of their conversation but I was curious.

“I’m friends with his father and I’m sort of like his godfather, I suppose.” He replied, tapping his chin with his forefinger.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2014 ⏰

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