Chapter 2: Oden and Chibita

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   Another day of exhaustion..Wow, it really wakes me up. Good thing that my shift is morning, I guess I should enjoy my free time tonight but where?

  How about in Mall??--Nah I'll just spend too much money spending things

  Restaurant?--It'll be expensive

  Arcade?-- It'll be fun, yet I might just caught up with a fight...AGAIN, I don't want to remember it.


"WAIT!--WHAT THE HELL DID I BOUGHT THAT UP IN MY HEAD AGGHH!!" I shouted and grip my hair until I smelled something that caught my attention.. It smells so good, I followed the scent and ended up in a small red cart with a wagon in front of it saying 'ODEN'

"An Oden huh?..I didn't know there's someone who's making a business like this here." 

   I move away the wagon and came inside then I heard a voice.

"Welcome!" I looked up and saw a small guy in front of the newly cooked oden. He was wearing a blue apron and white shirt with a yellow towel wrapped around his shoulder. He is bald but he has a one strand of hair in his head. I can't stop myself but giggle to what I saw.

"Uh.." I stare at him and saw his cheeks heated in shade of pink

"Good evening" I muttered. He snapped and fake a smile

"G-Goodevening you idjit!--I-I mean, umm w-what would like to order?"He stuttered.

"One oden and a bottle of beer please" I smiled..

"Woah, a beer?" he asked seemingly surprised

"Yeah, why?" I asked and took a sit placing both my arms in the counter

"N-Nothing, it's just. You look so innocent, I didn't thought that even a girl like you would drink something"

"Really? Well, I'll take that as a Compliment. And you mustn't judge someone because of their look" I smiled and place my chin up to my hand.

"You're right sorry haha" He smiled.

A couple of minutes Later~

"Oh my This Oden is so Good!" I shouted in pleasure

"haha ofcourse, It's my best Oden in whole Japan. You can't resist the taste of it" He said proudly while rubbing the back of his head blushing.

"No Really, it is so GOOD! I've never tasted something like this! *GULP*"

"Are you new here?" He asked leaning in the counter. I look at him.

"kind of.." I took a sip of my beer and stare at the oden.

"Really? cause your face, it kind of reminds me of someone" He said cupping his chin. I froze in my position.

 Does he recognize me?

  "Hmm..I can't remember but your face is somehow familiar--nahh forget it haha, wait are you alright? You look tense?" He asked.

"I-I'm fine.." I grab the bottle and drank it whole with one shot

"W-WOAH! HEY CALM DOWN YOU IDJIT!! YOU MIGHT DIE THERE DAMN IT!"He shouted, sounding panicked. I slam the empty bottle of beer in the table and look at him.

"I'm alright, you don't have to worry." He snatched the bottle from my hand and glare at me.

"YOU SCARED ME! *sigh* People these days.."He face palmed. I remain silent..Remembering my past.


"Here" I place the money in the counter and start to leave.

"W-wait!" I stopped and look at him. He looked worried.

"You look sad..Is there something I said, I'm sorry"

"Nah, you did't say anything" I turn around but he seemed not contented to my answer to he went in front of me.

"THE HELL, I don't want to see any of my customer to act like that after eating at my oden. I might not get anymore customer if they saw you like that--"

"Don't worry, I won't come back here again. Thanks for the food" I said coldly as I walk pass him--but he grab my arm tightly.

"Please..I'm really sorry if there's something I said that hurt you. Just, can you tell me what your problem is?" I stare at him making his eyes widened and looked frightened.. I sighed and face him.

"Alright, but why?"

"Woah that easily?--Maybe because, you're my customer who complimented me whole heartedly haha. It's my duty to know you problems, Maybe I could help. Or at least let me try." He looked really worried..

"I guess.."

"Haha Guess we'll be good friends, I'm Chibita" He smiled

"Y/N, nice to meet you Chibita" I shook his hand. A new friend eh?..It always works on me.

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