My Change

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I never knew how it felt to be strong;
when I was weak
To smile when life felt bleak
How difficult it is to love yourself
When you're full of self hate
There was nothing that changed the scene
By then, there wasn't a Beyond The Scene

Before there was a spark of light
All there was, was a blanket of darkness
Surrounding me all the time
That, unfortunately was my plight.
A world full of hopelessness;
not knowing how to carry on
That was my life.

You tend to unappreciate love
When you don't see the hate
Then the meaning of a smile of laughter
Is long forgotten
What was once your heart is now abate.

I know now of strength and courage,
To fight to learn things right.
To pick yourself up when dealt with blows
To hold your head up high and fight
It's no picture of a mirage.

Change starts from within.
I was someone I didn't like,
I was a lost soul and utterly defeated.
I'm still finding myself
But I'm starting to be someone I like.

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