PROLOGUE: Meeting Thomas

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So, there they were, bright lights every where, screams of a woman that was probably in horrendous pain and Thomas was all, shut up mum I'm trying to sleep, but he was being pushed out violently from his safe sanctum.

A man in a white suit asked, "so what are you naming him?"she replied "his name is Thomas. "


Meanwhile, in the mindscape......

A whole lot of... Nothing,

Well this is boring, Thomas thought to himself. It was funny how, when he was unceremoniously pushed out of his home into that uncomfortable cold room about four weeks ago everyone thought he was dumb or something, like, they kept cooing and stuff like he was some creature that didn't know how to think.

For example, just last week he was asking his mum quite clearly for a cookie, she looked at him for a long second went right around the cookie jar, and then.....

She shoved a stupid little piece of broccoli in his mouth, yes broccoli, seriously? Naturally the shock made him puke. Any ways he was moving around in this space of nothingness he wished he could move around a little faster so as to find somewhere to sit that doesn't look like he's floating.

Suddenly he's flying and he's loving it he was enjoying it. And at the the point where he was enjoying the flight the most when he was violently jerked back into reality by none other than his father.


You, guys don't bite my head off for it being short it's only a PROLOGUE

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