2: Meeting The Sides Pt 1

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Maybe, 17 years later..........

       Virgil woke up, (late naturally) to the smell of Patton's cooking. Patton has always been like a father to all the sides except maybe Roman who
He's probably crazy in love with, so basically, Virgil realized that Patton was like a father to only Logan and
      Logan had woke up a long time earlier to do something that started with a 'w', had an 'o' and an 'r' in between and ended with a 'k'......

Yup you guessed it, 'work' * insert jazz hands*
Logan was just completing some work he had left over because of sleep(a very useless and time consuming action in his opinion) he makes sure to get out of bed really early so as to not make his day "any less fulfilled and uneventful"

        Roman was in the Imagination  looking for an adventure and something to test out his newly sharpened sword (yes he carried a sword around and dressed like a prince, which in retrospect is probably what earned him the name Princey) anyhoo the imagination was somewhat like Rose's room, giving you whatever you think of. Yes including food.
    His arch nemesis is some one called the dragon witch who is surprisingly a bona fide man. Weird choice of names though. When Roman asked why he didn't name himself dragon wizard he tried to turn him into a lump of poo.

     Patton was almost done cooking and was about to call everyone down to eat, Logan was working on a sudoku puzzle so he had that one down and he had to go wake up Virgil,
Only, when he got there Virgil was already awake, which was weird, so he asked him if there was anything bothering him. But Virgil said "no"

Patton didn't believe him (obviously) so he asked him again but Virgil just plastered a  smile on his face and said that it was because he was just waking up from sleep. Patton was skeptical, but he left it and told him to go down for breakfast.

Roman was  contemplating staying in the imagination just to make Virgil worry(yeah Roman was mean that way) but he decided against it since he didn't want to make Patton worry, because he and Patton were like, the two right side brain traits. Which basically made them best friends.


       Virgil went down the stairs and saw Logan there, he rolled his eyes at how not tired Logan looked and shot him a hesitant smile, hoping against hope that Logan did not see him roll his eyes, it was either Logan was legally blind or he just didn't care that Virgil rolled his eyes because Logan smiled back and said "Greetings Virgil(yes he literally said greetings) how are you this morning. "
Virgil was about to mumble something in reply when Idiot, aka Princey, aka Sword Carrying Maniac, (those were just three of the hundreds of insulting nicknames that Virgil had for him) aka Roman  came and started bellowing with that stupid deep voice of his ultimately saving Virgil from saying something stupid, but still!!!
      Logan was busy thinking about the fact that although, they has the bodies of seventeen year Olds they had known each other and been together for thirteen years now. At least he was thinking it right up until Patton was like   "Okay guys as you all maybe probably should know we've been together in Thomas' head for thirteen years, and I remember when we met like it was just yesterday"....... he trailed off
It was like they just popped into existence in four different parts of Thomas' brain.
There was Logan,
     He was the trait of logic and intelligence, he popped into existence with glasses and a sweater vest in a strange room in the the left side of the brain, he didn't know how, but he already knew that his name was Logan strangely enough. Something was calling him to the middle of the mindscape also didn't know how he knew that name and as an intelligent four year old he was curious about it

    The embodiment of anxiety. He popped into existence and in a strange room, had a panic attack, and promptly started crying, then he tried to gather his thoughts so in a list in his mind he started ticking off what he knew(he seriously didn't know how he knew these things:
*his name was Virgil(totally awesome
*he was four years old.
*he was in the left side of the mindscape
Then he heard a strange call to the middle of the house, and anxiously started making his way there.

A/N: I wrote these chapters to test out my writing style for my actual project.im not sure if it will ever fully flesh out. So if you ever read these chapters (and like them) don't hold your breath for more. Bye!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2020 ⏰

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