Shine bright like a diamond...

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Shine bright like a diamond....

Shine bright like a diamond....


Kaoru opened her eyes to a sky filled with stars. For an instance forgetting where she was. Taking in her surroundings, she realized that she was in a small field just outside the filled of Konohagakure. She looked up at the diamond illuminated sky once more.

Kaoru had fallen asleep out in the field once again. Her turquoise eyes sparkled as she forgot all of her worried and focused on the nocturnal stars.

"They look so much like diamonds." She said to herself believing she was alone.

"Hn, they do." An unknown voice replied to her. Feeling a bit startled, Kaoru turned around to search for the source of the voice. She saw a boy perched on the grass a few feet behind her. She stared at the adolescent for a few seconds before beginning to recognize him.

'Sasuke? Is that you?' She thought. 'What was he doing here?'

"Sasuke? What are you doing here? I thought you left the village already!" She yelled at him as she sat up.

He looked at her, then looked back to the sky. She felt herself on the verge of panicking.

'What's he doing here? Didn't he leave yet?!' She screamed in her mind before composing herself.

"Sasuke, when you left my house I thought you were back to meet Suigetsu and the rest of them, what will happen when they realize you're taking to long to get back to them?" Kaoru asked a bit shaken. Sasuke was supposed to leave the village already to head back to team Taka before arousing suspicion.

"Relax, I have my reasons." Sasuke said coolly with a stern expression on his face.

"Your reasons could get us both in more trouble than we could handle if you get caught!" The girl stated putting emphasis on the word reasons. "I said relax." Sasuke said apathetically like he always did. Kaoru sighed, her words obviously not fazing the onyx eyed boy.

"But Sasuke-" Kaoru was cut off by Sasuke with a glare that silence even the hokage herself. It became apparent to her now that Sasuke only wanted silence. Just some time to be alone with his thoughts. Kaoru laid back down on the grass to leave Sasuke alone. Although still feeling uneasy, Kaoru closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep in the field.

[DISCONTINUED] ♢★ Diamonds ★♢ Sasuke Uchiha Where stories live. Discover now