I choose to be happy...

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Find light in the beautiful sea

I choose to be happy


Kaoru woke up with soft rays of light shining on her eyes. She bolted up thinking she was still in the field, only to realize that wasn't the case. She was on a bed, her bed.

'Did Sasuke bring me back here?' Kaoru thought as she relaxed a bit. Kaoru got up out of the bed in order to search for Sasuke. She left her bedroom and went to the room where Sasuke would usually sleep in. He wasn't there.

"Oh, he left." Kaoru said a bit dejected.

Even though Kaoru was the who told him he had to leave, she wished he didn't. But she knew what he had to do. Kaoru was awoken from her thoughts by a knock on her door. She opened the door slowly and cautiously, she hoped it wasn't Sakura trying to confront her about another suspicion.

"Hey Kaoru!" Shouted Kiba Inuzuka from behind the door.

Feeling relieved, she opened the door wider to talk to him.

"Hey Kiba..." She replied to the brown haired boy. Kiba looked at her knowing something was wrong.

"Naruto and I are going to get some ramen at Ichiraku, wanna come?" She thought for a while if she was really up to it. Sasuke leaving her this time affected her more than usual.

"Sure. What time?" She asked almost as apathetic as the Uchiha she was missing.

"At around two o'clock-ish, are you feeling okay Kaoru?" Kiba asked with genuine concern.

"I'm fine, see you there." Kaoru stated as she closed the door on his face.

'Kiba probably thinks I'm acting weird now. Just great.' She thought as she slid to the floor.

She looked at the clock on her wall.

'1:24, I have time.' Kaoru thought as she got off the floor and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

Closing the bathroom door behind her, she started to undress and stepped in the shower.

"Sasuke, what have you done to me? I just want to be happy." She said aloud.

[DISCONTINUED] ♢★ Diamonds ★♢ Sasuke Uchiha Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz