Diamonds in the sky...

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You and I

You and I

We're like diamonds in the sky....


Kaoru stepped out of the shower feeling just a bit better than before. But she couldn't shake the hurt feeling that she had. She was clueless as to why Sasuke leaving her this time made her feel so strange.

Kaoru looked at herself in the mirror as if she diagnose her problem. All she saw was a girl with dark brown hair, turquoise eyes and light brown skin staring back at her.

"Maybe I shouldn't go to get ramen with Kiba and Naruto." Kaoru discussed with the girl in the mirror.

"I said I would, I don't want to disappoint them." She quickly contradicted herself.

Kaoru got dressed in her casual clothes. She didn't have any missions yesterday or today, so what was the point in dress in ninja attire? She always let her hair loose so this was nothing new. She quickly put on a Blue t-shirt with green sleeves and dark blue sweatpants, with a black watch. She was never one to be very flashy.

Before leaving her home, she glanced at the clock.

"1:54!! How long did I shower?!" Kaoru exclaimed.

She sighed before leaving her empty apartment. Her parents were never home. Her mother had an apartment else where so she could be close to the library she owned, and her father was an important shinobi who lived at another location in Konoha to be close to the hokage's office. That being, all of the time Kaoru would come home alone. But it never fazed her, in fact she liked it. Because of that, she was able to let Sasuke, and the occasional Suigetsu, stay there. Today however, the loneliness and silence of her home became unbearable.

'Maybe leaving home will do me some good.'


When she arrived at Ichiraku's she saw Kiba, Naruto and Shikamaru waiting outside.

'Didn't know Shika was coming.' She thought.

"Kao-chan, what took you so long?! You would usually arrive before us!" Naruto shouted in her face.

"Quiet down Naruto. She's right there, you don't need to yell." Shikamaru stated.

"Naruto's right though, you would've been here earlier, especially at the mention of ramen. What happened?" Kiba asked.

"I got caught up, ok?!" She yelled at them. All the questions were irritating her.

"Sorry, let's just go eat." She said smiling trying to put on a calm façade but failing miserably.

She walked ahead of them raising the curtain over her head to enter.

"Women are too troublesome." Shikamaru sighed as he entered after her followed by Naruto and Kiba.

"Hey Pops! I'll have one pork ramen!" Naruto placed his order.

"Yeah same here!" Kiba seconded.

"Same." Shikamaru agreed.

"I'll have a Katsudon please." Kaoru told the man.

The boys turned to look at her.

"Katsudon? What happened to ramen?" Naruto questioned.

"I dunno, I just feel for Katsudon." Kaoru replied.

Naruto and Kiba were now getting even more suspicious.

Kaoru, not even letting the weird looks she got from the boys faze her, let her mind wander elsewhere. She thought back to last night. She thought back to the stars that looked marvelously like diamonds in the sky.

"Ok Kaoru, spill it." Naruto confronted her. "You've been acting weird all day, what's wrong?"

"N-nothing, just not feeling myself." She smiled falsely at him.

But you could tell her smile was fake.

Their food arrived and whilst the boys talked amongst themselves, Kaoru ate in silence daydreaming. When it was over, Kiba paid for the food, due a lost bet with Naruto. Kaoru proceeded to thank the boys and walk home.

"She was acting weird today." Kiba said.

"Yeah, she been acting like that more than usual." Naruto stated.


When Kaoru arrived home, she automatically went to take a shower then went straight to bed.

She changed into a white shirt with a blue pair of shorts. She laid down and looked at the digital clock next to her bed.

'5:09, huh, a bit early but I'm too tired to care.' She yawned and almost immediately fell asleep.

[DISCONTINUED] ♢★ Diamonds ★♢ Sasuke Uchiha Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat