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As Jonathan, Jeane, Rachel and Kayden glammed me up for the first scenes that we would be shooting, I went through my lines one more time with June.

"Why are we doing this again?" June asked for the hundredth time.

I sighed. "To make sure I remember everything! I don't want to forget."

She rolled her eyes. "But we already went through it a thousand times! Even I know your lines by now and I have the worst memory in the history of humankind."

Jonathan chuckled as he braided a portion of my hair. Jeane, who normally didn't say much, smiled as well, as she handed Jonathan an elastic band.

Rachel and Kayden, my makeup geniuses, were sitting on the couch, arguing which colour lipstick would suit my better.

"Rachel, Kayden, get over here and finish off her makeup. Jeane and I are done." Jonathan announced.

The two sisters were still arguing when they approached my seated figure. June, who was sitting in the chair beside me, nearly combusted when Jonathan sat next to her. To the untrained eye she didn't seem to mind either way but I noticed the way her eyes went huge and her smile brightened. I rolled my eyes and addressed the arguing girls.

"Why don't you just mix the colours together and stop arguing?" I suggested.

"It won't work! This is a pale pink and that is a bold red. She doesn't want to listen to me: pink would look better with the dress." Rachel said.

"But the red would look better because it's dramatic and we all know that Sapphire Royale is the most dramatic character in this whole movie, am I wrong?" Kayden asked me.

I hated being put in the middle of fights and I honestly didn't know what to say. Thankfully, Jeane came to my rescue.

"Go with the red but a matte of a lighter shade so that it isn't as bright. That way it's dramatic but doesn't overpower the dress." She suggested.

Kayden smiled in triumph while Rachel rolled her eyes in defeat.

"Fine but I get to pick next time." Rachel said.

Twenty minutes later, I was finally done and we were ready to shoot the first scene. We were at the same set where the photo shoot had occurred a few weeks ago and this would be my first time actually using the set pieces.

I hadn't seen Jet yet and Jason wasn't there because he wasn't needed for any of the scenes we would be filming that morning. When we got to set, the director approached me, looking as moody and mean as I had feared.

"Listen up, we are on a tight schedule because this movie has to be done in eight months which is nearly impossible with kids as the lead actors. Especially inexperienced kids like you. So here's a little piece of advice: don't slack off and don't waste any of my time, you hear me?" He snapped.

I nodded so quickly that I nearly hurt my neck. He didn't even notice: he walked past me and started talking to a bunch of people I hadn't met yet.

"Well he's not in a good mood." June commented from behind me.

I turned, extremely grateful for a familiar face. "What are you doing here? Ms Green said you can come but you can't interfere on set."

She rolled her eyes. "Who says I'm interfering? I'm here because I want to support my best friend and that old toad can't tell me what to do."

I smiled and squeezed her hand. "Thank you."

"You're welcome babe. Now, come. You should be in your father's study." She replied, linking our arms.

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