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I still remember the day I was brought to the diamond castle of Atropea, the capital of Lower Atrëia. Everything was truly magical. From the last rose bush in the gates to the majestic crystal doors of the palace, every little detail had been carefully taken into account.

"Do you like this place, Clarity?" My mother had asked me, her long dark hair flowing perfectly on her shoulders.

"I love this place, mommy!"

My mother could easily be mistaken for a royal. She was beautiful, no matter what she was doing or what she was wearing. She was beautiful at all times.

"I'm glad you do sweetie. Cause this is where you'll be living from now on!" My father had said, smiling ever so gently.

My father was a tall man, with unusual characteristics. No one would have guessed that my mother and him were a match. He had dark skin and unusual purple hair. No one in the Lower Atrëia had weird colored hair. That is, except my father and I.

I was very confused at first. Only the royal family could be permitted to live in the diamond castle of Atropea. My family may be beautiful but I knew that we did not have royal blood running through our veins.

My mother had noticed the confused looks I gave everyone and she hurried to explain. Well I mean... She tried to explain. How could you explain to your own child that you are giving her away. Forever.

Next thing I remember, I was in a big room with tall walls that were decorated with all sorts of flowers and gems. My mother and father were sitting next to me and an old woman was sitting in front of us. Even as a 7 year old, I could recognise the woman that I had seen on television over and over. It was the Elder Queen.

My mother signed a few papers and my father did the same. After that the Elder Queen nodded and my parents got up to leave. But when I did the same, my mother stopped me. I gave her a confused look but she just walked away with my father.

"Where are they going?" I had mumbled to myself.

"That is not your concern now, child. From this moment on, your parents are Queen Elysea and King Adion. And I am your grandmother."

And ever since then, the world knows me as Princess Clarity of Lower Atrëia.

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