Chapter Twø - The Stranger

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"Why the sudden change of plans, hon?" Elysea asked her husband.

He looked nervous, upset even, but he didn't say a word. He was wondering if he should tell her or not.

"Alright. Don't tell this to Clarity, but there is word that a group of Fae snuck in our territory through a cargo airship." He explained.

Elysea's eyes widened. The Fae were dangerous to anyone but they were even more dangerous to her own family.

"Clarity's idea was not bad after all. Have the guards and servants sworn to secrecy about our location."

"Already did it, dear."

"But to be honest, I doubt it's us who will be in danger." Elysea said.

"They know..." The king mumbled.

"They did this to me. Of course they know!"

"I swore to you that I would catch him. The man who striped you of ever having a chance to have a child." Adion growled.

"But they failed. We have Clarity." His wife smiled gently, calming him down.


I walked down the stairs, slowly fastening my pace. What could have made them change their minds?

I arrived at the ballroom, where they had been waiting for me. They were talking, quietly, so I could not hear them. They stopped once they saw me.

"Clarity, I hope it's okay that I've changed our plans." Adion said.

"The sooner the better." I responded.

They seemed glad I didn't ask any more questions. Strange...

The trip to Coronna would normally take days, but Adion had decided to use the Fterotalis, winged horse-like creatures that could move at the speed of sound.

It was weird as well. We only used the Fterotalis in very special occasions and my birthday was sure as hell not one of them. How could the Elder Queen allow this?

Since nothing really made sense I decided not to think about it anymore. I just followed my so called parents all the way to the 3d floor garden. It was where the Fterotalis stayed. Two of them had been prepared with a fancy carriage.

As soon as we walked in close proximity, we all bowed to the creatures. The Fterotalis may be ancient, beautiful and useful but they are real narcissists. For one to be helped by them, they need to show them their respect and only if the Fterotalis find him worthy of their Fterotalisness would they be able to get the help they seek.

But since we are the royal family, we are viewed as equals.

We all got into the carriage, which was strangely separated into two spaces. Elysea and Adion sat on the first half and I on the second. I appreciated the privacy.

Next, a horn was blown and the Fterotalis took the carriage up in the air. It was always magical to see the world from above. So I can't figure out why I fell asleep during that ride. I woke up just before landing on our chateau in Coronna. It was definitely smaller than the castle but still huge for the standards of this town.

"We're finally here!" Elysea exclaimed.

She had always been a fan of trips.

"It was an easy ride too. No... disturbances." Adion commented.

I was simply viewing this simple yet majestic town. I don't know if it's because I've linked this town to my mother or simply because of what it is, but I think it looked more beautiful that anywhere else.

"So... Shall we get settled?" Adion asked me.

"Sure, but I want to take a walk outside. Is that okay?" I asked.

He was about to obviously decline when Elysea cut him off.

"Sure sweetie. But you have to seem normal." She said.

"I know." I mumbled.

I left to change or rather disguise myself. Throughout Lower Atrëia I was known as the Purple haired Princess. I was probably the only female in the entire Lower Atrëia with Purple hair. That's why, whenever I expose myself to the public unofficially, I wear normal clothes, a brown haired wig and a hat. I basically try to hide as much of myself as possible.

Our guards watched me as I walked passed the gates and out to the world. Even though I had been here when I was much younger I still remembered most of the roads. But a lot had changed too. The Coronna I remembered was nothing more than a village, with dirt roads and a few huts. This was now a small town with stone paths, proper houses, shops and coffee shops. It was full of life. But as it was a small town, and everyone knew everyone, I was the main topic of the locals' discussion.

I could hear people whispering: "Who is that? Do you know her?"

I didn't really mind it.

But it seemed I was paying little attention to my surroundings, because I soon stumbled upon a stupid rock and I fell forward. I honestly expected to find myself flat on the stone paths with people laughing at me. Instead I was held up by two warm hands.

I looked upwards and my blue eyes met with a pair of grey ones. They were truly mesmerising, and I could honestly be lost in them forever. But then the fact that I had fallen onto a stranger and he was holding me and I was starting at him sinked in and I took a step back.

"I'm sorry sir." I barely said, because of the loss of words I was at. I could now see the man better. Or rather the guy. He was taller than me but not much older, I could tell.

And he had such an unusual colour of hair! I couldn't really describe it. It fell along the lines of black and red. It was something in between. But it definitely suited him.

He didn't respond to me. He just continued to stare at me, making me feel uncomfortable.

Not knowing what to do, I slightly bowed and continued my way. I tried to get that guy out of my head, but he was just so weird.


It was almost nightfall, and the one that didn't belong lurked in the shadows. Sometimes his ash coloured eyes would shimmer when being exposed to light. Everything was too bright for him. He had learnt the ways of the darkness, so he could only be thankful for the luck of sun at the moment.

He approached an old house and knocked three times on the door. And them two more. The door opened, revealing one of his friends. Unlike himself, his friends wasn't as lucky as him. His skin was dark Purple and bright pink tattoos decorated his arms. He couldn't hide his Fae origins.

"You're early today." He said, allowing the silver eyes guy inside.

"It was a boring day. What about you, Cythe?"

"My days are all the same. I'm just guarding our base. It's you who gets all the fun, Asher."

Asher smiled, but Cythe didn't know why. He didn't know of the blue eyed girl Asher had bumped onto earlier that day. He didn't know why, but she was giving a different aura than everyone else. She was interesting. But he needed not think about her. He should get his head in the game, because the next day, they would have to take out a princess.

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