The Crystals

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Sarada woke up to the sound of birds chirping. She smiled even though she would never express it as obviously as Boruto, she too missed the adrenaline of battle. - At least she said she wasn't obvious about her missing battle, however her "loving" teammates said otherwise. In the back of her mind she assured herself. "I do NOT take my anger out on them-hmph "

She got changed into her jumpsuit baring the proud Uchiha crest and double checked that all her clothes and ninja accessories were packed neatly into her small traveling bag.

She slung her small backpack across her shoulder and grabbed a piece of toast from her kitchen and walked out of her home. Heading to the gates of the Leaf village.

Sarada swiftly parkoured her way to the main gates. "Rooftops are really the best way to travel" She mused.

When the village gates came into view only Mitsuki and Shikadai were there. Sarada checked her watch- ten minutes early. Mitsuki waved politely at her whereas Shikadai looked like he was more likely to use her as a human pillow than greet her.

So Sarada thought she had the right to question him. Sarada queried "why are you early Shikadai? You normally come at the last minute, like a certain blonde with whiskers. And you love sleep.".

Shikadai greeted her with those green eyes of his and said " Well if you must know, my mom is the reason I'm so early. She always makes me get up early for missions just because the sand shinobi are supposedly more hard core, at least that's what mom says. She's always going on about how our sensei are going too easy on us. And that when we get maimed on the battlefield because we have a jammed finger, to not come crying to our grandparents in heaven. Honestly it's troublesome "

" Oh"was all that Sarada said. She had not been expecting that detailed explanation of Shikadai's mother and her 'troublesomeness'.

A little later the other four Genin came. Sarada was a little curious about how Boruto was acting this morning. He seemed like he was pondering something.

But when Sarada asked about it he just gave her a brief explanation of having a dream and went over to Shikadai, without even giving her a chance to say anything. "Rude!"  thought the young teenager. "Sure you just go and put on your little facade but i will find out what's going on with you!"

Sarada was so busy thinking of all the possible scenarios she didn't notice someone had come right next to her until mitsuki promptly said " So are we playing detective now? "

Sarada will deny to her dying day that she squeaked in alarm.

:D Me again! ~

It was 11:15 at night when the group finally saw the small village that was the capital of the land of ash.

Sarada had heard that most of the land here was filled with precious materials and always had ash around from furnaces. Hence the name.

It was then that a strong smell of food came from the village. Chocho broke off into a run towards the village. Because a Akimichi gotta eat when they gotta eat. A hungry Akimichi is a deadly weapon.

She ran into the village, Shikadai and Inojin just had time to tackle her from running the opposite direction from the feudal lord's palace. Fortunately for them they had lots ( lots and lots - to the point where it's semi embarrassing) of practice.
Shikadai and Inojin then dragged her away from the food.

"I swear if you attack these robbers with the same determination as you attack to get food our team would be Jonin level" Said Inojin in a annoyed voice once they met the others at the feudal palace.

This resulted in a shove from Chocho pointed in Inojin's direction , a eyeroll from Shikadai, a glare from Sarada, a muffled laugh from Boruto, and a contempt smile from Mitsuki.

:D Twice in 1 chapter ohlalala~

The feudal lord was a short buff man with a bushie well kept beard. Boruto insisted that he was therefore wise, but his small rant did not last thanks to Sarada's elbow connecting with Boruto's ribcage ("Abuse!", "Shut up banana brains!").

The feudal lords name was Toruchai Nachicha.And after swift introductions he lead them to two double doors made out of cooper, that overtime turned a light green color. The feudal lord opened the doors to reveal his private office, in which he had six small pillows set in front of a large intimidating desk.

The desk was decorated with gemstones. As for the chair- or more accurately the throne, was decorated with velvet and was also plated gold.

Mitsuki whistled sarcastically "that's one magnificent setup you got there"

the feudal lord replied "yes my village may be small compared to the other five great villages but we are wealthy beyond compare" the feudal lord ended proudly. The feudal lord beckoned his servant away and sat down. "Now, I want the culprit brought to me alive so I can question him and if not I will fail your mission." All kids gulped and nodded to the feudal lord. "Dismissed " said the feudal lord. "wait that's it?" said Inojin. Toruchai didn't bother answering him so they took that as their queue to leave.

Later that day the kids split into two groups one would go help the police with investigating and see the crime scene and any evidence - and the other went to the local library to research the stolen goods.

Sarada, Shikadai, and Mitsuki went to the library mainly because the other three weren't found of things like information gathering.

Sarada went up to the librarian. It was a short plump woman who looked like she would rock at making cookies. "excuse me ma'am do you happen to know where your ancient artifact section is?" asked Sarada in her best innocent voice. "it's over there, but would you be interested in a book pass deary?" she quickly shook her head and went to the section where the woman has pointed, followed by Shikadai and Mitsuki. Shikadai said "does anyone have a list of the stolen artifacts? Without it this is gonna be a drag"."Try saying one sentence without the word drag or troublesome and mabye we'll show you" replied Sarada. Shikadai then glared at her and muttered something the Sarada was sure would have resulted in her mouth being washed witg soap.

Before Sarada could defend herself Mitsuki said "Yes shikadai Sarada is female however she is no dog now moving on, here's the list"

Mitsuki pulled out a scroll  "good, well it would be nice if you could open it" said Shikadai annoyed at how this was going . The scroll read

Twenty pounds of silver
6 rubies
2 ceremonial emeralds
500 blocks of gold

The 4 legendary dragon crystals

- Toruchai Nachicha feudal lord of land in ash

PS Dragon crystals are top priority

"lets start with the top priority" Mitsuki stated. The group nodded and went to work.

Dragon lords حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن