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Walking into the mutt infested throne room was not easy for Torryn. The thought of asking this disgraceful race for anything made him sick to his stomach, but he had to, for his beloved. Of whom he would do anything for, even ask these mutts for a favor.

“Announcing the Crown Prince Torryn of the Northern Fae in audience with his Majesty Crown Prince Tiago.” the announcer’s voice  the throne swallowed the throne room.

Torryn consciously walking down the throne room, his bare feet making a terribly loud slapping sound against the marble floor. His pulse speed up as every noble and council man fell silent and watched him as if he was the inhuman beast, on display for all to see.  A 7’3 display, which consequently made it very hard to not be noticed in a crowd of short werewolves.

Torryn’s eyes were dead set forward, not wanting to look around the room. Keeping his eyes on the end of the purple rug, on the prise. Even with all of this the walk to the throne seemed to take hours, but in reality was only a mere few seconds. Deep purple that surrounded the thrones came all the way down the stairs in a single stripe, at the end of the descending stairs was a set of guards. One set for every three steps, all ready to give their life for their King, their Alpha. Not that any of them could stop him from killing this whole infestation if he truly wanted too. The mere thought of this Princes head no longer attached to his shoulders made Torryn smile.

“Prince Torryn we meet at last.” Prince Tiago rose from his stiff position on the throne, descending the stairs, and with every pass of the guards they would move from their stoic positions and follow him down the stairs.Soon there was almost 20 or so werewolves in front of Torryn, all ready to kill him if need be.

Although Prince Tiago was at least one head shorter than Torryn, he still tried to make a bigger stance. Blue met hazel, a undermined fight for dominance had begun. Dominance flowed off of these two male in waves, making all around them bow their heads in submission.

“Pleasure Prince Tiago, although not by these circumstances.” Torryn offered his hand out, never breaking eye contact. Prince Tiago moved quickly with no hesitation, grabbing onto Torryns forearm “Of course, tell me, what can I do?”.

Torryn squared his shoulders “Your men have something that belongs to me.” squeezing Prince Tiago’s arm lightly. Just enough to let him know about how serious this situation was, Prince Tiago responded by dropping Torryns arm and walking back up to his throne. The guards moving to make a path for him. Upon flopping down in his throne the Prince rested his chin on his right arm “Is that so?” his voice foreign innocence “What might that be?” A coy smirk grew on Prince Tiago’s face, he knew that he had Torryn right where he wanted him. He would soon have the proud Fae prince eating out of the palm of his hand.

The Fae Prince clenched his fists, he refused to play into this sick game of cat and mouse with this mutt. “A woman and a small child, a young girl”

Prince Tiago rubbed his chin “My guards find many women and children on the border, it might be very difficult to find them. Tell me, before we start a pointless search, what are they to you?” an eerie silence filled the room for a few seconds “The woman, she is my beloved”

Prince Tiago’s laughter filled the once quiet room “Your beloved? A term for a Vampires mate but for a Fae’s whore. I shall not look for her, if anything I will be doing you a favor, your wife will thank me later.” The control Torryn had was dwindling quickly “I highly suggest that you reconsider your decision your Majesty.” The term of higher statues made Prince Tiago drop his smile, this just got serious.

“And what will you do if I don’t find them?” the question everyone wanted to know the answer too, now it was Torryns turn to smirk “You seem to be having troubling affairs with the Southern Fae Kingdom, and it seems my Kingdom is the only thing keeping an invasion.” All laugher that Prince Tiago had quickly dissipated “What are you saying.” his voice dropped with every word.

Torryn smiled “If you don’t find my beloved and the next heir to the Fae throne there will be war between your two nations, and I will have no choice then to join my own kin.” Prince Tiago was halfway out of his seat “FIND HER! FIND THEM BOTH!” the throne room rumbled with the new command, causing chaos. Nobles and guards running around, setting up search parties and going through records.   

“Satya, my beloved, I will find you. And our daughter.”

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