Heavy Eyelids

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I don't sleep much anymore.

I pass it off as stress, but that's not it.

I say I work better in the darkness, and that's true

But the real reason is that I don't want to face the day.

I don't talk much anymore.

I pass it off as just fatigue, but that's not all of it.

I'm always listening to music during conversations I'm expected to be a part of

Because I just don't really belong.

I don't really care much anymore.

I pass it off as tiredness, but that's not entirely it.

I have let the apathy control my actions and words,

But it's gotten to the stage that I don't feel emotions.

I don't really live much anymore.

I pass it off as exhaustion, but that's not completely it.

I'm afraid of the outside world, not it itself, but it's inhabitants

Because I don't trust myself to interact with them.

I don't sleep much anymore, I merely survive.

I survive with the pitiful stares that follow me around like the grey cloud that floats over my head constantly.

I survive with the knowledge that I should take matters into my own hands but I just can't.

I survive with the annoyed looks people give me as they try to get me to talk.

I survive with the knowledge that I am nothing but a disappointment.

Because that's what I am; a scared, sleep deprived, disappointment.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2014 ⏰

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