Chpt 1

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V's pov.


" What do you mean I am getting a body guard "


" For the 9,999th time. You are getting a nee body guard to watch over you. "


" I don't need a new fucking body guard. I will just fire them. "


" Why did mom and dad leave Taehyung to me. "

I can't believe I am getting a stupid body guard. Right now I am sitting in my office waiting for the new body guard to come.

That's when me and Suga heard a knock on the faded glass door. " Come in " I said in the coldest voice I could make.

That's when a boy around his teens came in. He had red hair and cute little bunny teeth. 

He kept his head low and quietly started talking.

" Speak up whimp " " Taehyung respect "

Suga hyung scolded me. The boy standing in the muddle of the room started to speak a little louder.

" M-My n-name is J-j-junkook. I am your new body guard. "

I looked at the poor boy. He looked so shy and week it made me want to ruin him.

Suga left me and the Jungkook boy in the office alone. I sighed in annoyance and stood up. That is when he started to follow me like a lost dog.

I stopped quickly making the boy bump into me making him fall hard on his butt. He yelp out in pain. I bent down to his level and grabbed his chin and made him face me.

But he didn't look at me. His eyes moved everywhere except me. " Look at me "

He slowly looked at me and his face went red. I liked his reaction. I let him go and I stood up leaving him there on the cold hard floor.

I decided to just go home early so I went straight into my room.

I decided to just go home early so I went straight into my room

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I layed on my bed when I heard a knock on the door. I growled while opening the door to see the same boy from earlier.

" What the hell are you doin here." He flinched at my voice and whimpered at my voice and said in a quiet tone " Suga hyung told me I am sharing a room with you. I am sorry I will just sleep in the living room. "

I sighed and let him in the room. He quickly came in and sat on the floor. I glared at him and he  immediately bowed down. With his ass in the air.

I lightly grabbed him by his hair and pulled him forward he painfully looked at me. " You will listen to me and only me when you are in my room got it. "

He flinched and looked away from me. " GOT IT. " I pulled a little harder and he yelped " Yes master. I mean Sir. " I looked at him and tried to hide my growing smirk.

I let his hair go and let him sit on the floor. " Stay there and don't move until I come back. " " Yes Sir "

I went into my bathroom which everything was made out of marble and gold. I took a long shower thinking about Jungkook " Body Guard my ass he can't even protect himself from me. "

I hopped out of the shower and put my clothes on and went into my room to see Jungkook sitting in the same spot.

" You are just a good little two shoes aren't ya. " He looked at me and warmly smiled. I glared and layed on the bed. Leaving jungkook on the floor.

He starred at me for who knows how long. I growled and sat back up and faced him " what are you looking at boy. "

He flinched and started to talk quietly. " Speak louder or you will be sorry " " I am sorry I don't mean to make you mad at me. I just want to be useful to you. "

That's when I lost it. I pinned the boy on the floor and grabbed his chin " You want to be useful to me huh then listen to the rules I have for you. And look at me when I am talking to you. "

He flinched under my body and looked at me while moving his body a little. " First rule is Never disobey me. Rule 2 do whatever I say Rule 3 Never listen to other peoples orders. Easy right. "

He flinched at every word but shook his head yes. I finally let him go and I got back on my feet and went outside of the room and slammed the door.

I went into the kitchen and ate an apple. Fuck my whole life he makes me want to ruin him so much. "

I walked back in my room to find Jungkook sleeping in the same spot on the floor. I sighed and picked him up and carefully put him on my bed and covered him up and got in the bed afterwords.

I looked at the sleeping jungkook he looked like an angel. I sighed and patted his head lightly. I then fell asleep hugging the boy not giving a fuck.

Hello so how did you guys like the first chapter hope you liked it. Until next time updates Thursdays and Sundays. Thank you.

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