chapter one: the day he found us

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ashleys point of view <3

"katie do you want to go on the swings?" i asked katie as we were in my house , our father hadnt woken up yet, chris. every other week we stay at chris's house then the others weeks we stay at harolds' house.

"yeah yeah !! that sounds fun!!" kat screeched, in super excitement, i mean we were almost two so yeah.

chris got up and was complaining under his breath, which we could hear becuase he was slurring and slamming his fist down on the desk in his room, we just guessed becuase it sounded loud and scary, we flinched.

'SSLAAAMMM' went the door of chris's room; slamming open. our room is right next to his room, which used to be our moms, before she died (amy was ashleys moms name maybe :), and before chris went crazy and started abusing us. we had bruises all along our legs, and arms and anyplace you can think of. we didnt know what was going to happen. we tried to draw him pictures of us and our family or roses or anything. one day when we were at school we were drawing and staying quiet, this was when mom was still alive.

we were drawing roses and flowers and people and us!! we were drawing ourselves. our teacher, ms. malley came by, she saw our bruises, and she kneeled over and said, "hi girls!! ash and kat:) " she had a smile which soon dissapeared when she saw a scar on my arm and saw bruises and cuts and blood dried up on my legs and kats legs basically at the same spot.

"whats this?" ms malley asked pointing to a bruise. as she was kneeling there i drew her. before when she was kneeling there, over by another student,m she wwas wearing her long teacher suit, as me and kat called it. it had beautiful flowers roses and petals on it, spitting paint colors out of the middle of them to the rest of her dress, it was so pretty. it went down to her ankles. i nudged kat slightly.

"kat, lets draw something :)" i offered her, as she was turning her page of a pretty tree with a watterfall and grass and flowers and roses, she also drew some kids in the back, by some farther trees. they were coloring too.

"i wonder if they were drawing us too." i thoufht out loud. kat said, "maybe that would be cool and sweet :)" she said in a low voice. one of their names was logan. logan lerman and his twin was brenden lerman. they liked talking to us. (maybe addd logan here or not i dont know yet. if NOTTT <-- emphasis on nott :)put in tyler lerman, as logan and brendens little brother, and logan and brenden find us at the park. ) {authors note to self :) <-------- continue reading readers sorrry <3

"so what do you want us to draw?" kat  asked quietly.

"i want us to draw,,, hmmm ms malley. her dress is..-"

"Soooooo PREETTYYY!!" kat whisper screamed in excitement.

okay lets draw it :)" i offered. she was kneeling next to logan and was talking to him. we dont know what about and it was really none of our business.

we started drawing ms malley, her dress was so perfectly just laying there on the grass, we had a pretty good memory which as being young i guess that was a good thing. we just imagined her in our heads, the like, scene where she was so we wouldnt have to look up all the time :) we practiced it so heavily and we were still looking up from our pencils and colors to the scene we wanted to draw but we dont do it as much :) we were getting better. :) we were looking down so much we didnt notice slash or see ms malley got up and was walking towards us. we were at recess and everyone was playing except us artists, i think that s what theyre called at least haha :)

"hi girls!! kat and ash!!." ms malley said excitingly as she had a smile on her face which soon dissapeared slash faded when she saw a huge straight scar mark on my leg and colored bruises onmy arms and kats arms and legs.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2014 ⏰

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logan lerman found us, a kat and ash storyWhere stories live. Discover now