Not just in my dreams

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Hey and welcome to my 1st story! I'm extremly new to this so any comments would be welcome. Sorry this 1st chapter is short ( i hate reading short chapters too) but i am still working out the kinks. Please enjoy!   Chris xxx

"Shit" Cassie yelled, waking up with a start. It was the same dream. The dream she'd been having every night for the past 2 weeks. Sitting up slowly with a groan Cassie tried to remember his face. After every dream she always forgot his face, but never the pleasure she felt at his hands. Sighing heavily and pushing herself out of bed she dragged herself into the shower, letting the hot water relax her tense muscles. After feeling more like her calm and collected self she stepped out and dried herself hurriedly. " Maybe i'm not a looker but at least i'm wanted when i'm asleep." Cassie murmured to her sullen reflection. As she looked at herself in the small bathroom mirror she saw her plain brown hair that fell just below her shoulders and her boring green eyes. Cassie was well aware she was nothing special, that had been drilled into her for years.

After 5 or so minutes of doing her morning routine she threw on the first things in her hands. A pair of black skinny jeans, a muse t shirt and some old tennis shoes she'd graffitied on over the months. When she was done she drew in a deep breath and gathered her courage for what awaited her outside her room.

Cassie slowly walked down the hallway into the kitchen, where her mother and father where sitting eating breakfast. " Morning mum, morning dad." Cassie sighed as she waited for it to begin. "you look like an emo hooker" her dad snared before he slammed down his coffee cup and walked out the door. One parent down, one to go Cassie thought to herself. "Don't embarass us Cassie, god knows you will but would you please at least try to be like the other girls? Put something nice on and damn it some make up couln't hurt." Cassie's mum said before she too left, leaving Cassie alone in the house. .." yeah i love you guy's too.." Cassie mumbled while tears slowly trailed down her face. deap breaths, deap breaths in and out she repeated to herself. After she falt a bit better she looked at the clock, Shit only ten minutes till school started. Cassie ran to the front door and grabbed her back pack she'd left there the night before. It was only a five minute walk to school but Cassie hated to risk being late too many times. Late too many time and the school would complain to your parents, and that was an option Cassie wouldn't even consider.

As she approached the grass area at the front of the school she saw her 2 best and only friends, They meant everything to her and she to them. They were the oonly ones who made her feel worth a damn.

Xavier was Cassie's newest Best friend of the 2 only moving here at the start of last year. At 6'2 he was built like a greek god! When he first started all the girls started swarming him... until they realised what a huge nerd he really was, showing how superficial some of her class mates really were Cassie thought. Xavier was the Smartest guy in their class and since this was their last year he pushed himeslef even harder. He had messy black hair that reached just to his ears and blue eyes that sparkled like a clear ocean view.

Sally and Cassie had been best freinds since year 1 and nothing could be more different than the two of them. Where Cassie was reserved Sally... wasn't. At 5'3 Sally believed  she needed to seem tougher bcause she was short.. Cassie never understood but supported her anyway. Sally had big brown eyes and a pixie cut for her short blonde hair. There was no one in this world who understood cassie or cared about her more than Xavier and Sally....or so Cassie thought

Not just in my dreamsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora