Chapter Thirteen

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*Brantley's P.O.V.*

The ride to Nashville was quiet with Payton sleeping and Dax sleeping. I don't even understand how they slept so long. Well Dax I do he didn't sleep last night I got up at four to get something to drink and his light was still on. I got everything in the house before I woke up Payton and Dax.

"Alright you two sleepyheads. Get up cause I'm not carrying you." I said opening their doors. Payton got out of the truck and stretched going up to the front porch. That was weird she never just walks away from me. I shook my head looking at Dax who was still in the process of waking up. Even though I said I wasn't carrying either of them I picked up Dax and walked up to the front door. I fumbled with my keys before I got the right one and unlocked the door. I sat Dax on the couch and went back to the door getting my keys out of the lock.

"You okay baby?" I asked Payton.

"I'm good." She said plainly. I'm not gonna poke at her now to try but later I will find out what's wrong with her.

"I'm gonna get the bags out of the truck. You can look around if you want." I said before heading back outside.

*Payton's P.O.V.*

I was still pissed at Brantley for not telling me he was engaged! That is important information to know. I told him about me being raped EIGHT years ago, he was just engaged less than a freakin year ago! I didn't want to be mad at him but the hell else was I supposed to do? Act like I didn't know go on being happy and try to ignore that little voice in the back of my head that was telling me Dax and I are just filling some type of void in his heart. I didn't want to ask him, I wanted him to come to me and tell me about her. Brantley coming to me and telling me about Jana would show me that he is over here and he has nothing to hide from me. Him not telling me about her makes me feel like he's hiding it from me. I let myself love him, I let my son love him, I let him in and now all I can picture is the hurt of him walking out on us because she decides she wants him back. I felt the tears build up in my eyes so I found the nearest bathroom and locked myself inside. My mind wandered to the fact that I might be pregnant. What if I am? This baby is Brantley's child and I don't want to have another child who has to grow up knowing their father didn't actually love their mother. If I'm not pregnant I am going to be surprised; emotional, tired, and not to mention anxious.

"Mama, are you okay?" I heard Dax's soft voice outside the door and it only made me cry more. My sweet boy loves Brantley so much, he calls him dad, he looks up to him, and more importantly he has a hero. How could I be so stupid?

"Mama!" Dax said a little louder. I looked at the door trying to say something but the words weren't coming out. I wanted to tell him I was okay but nothing.

"Mama!" Dax yelled I could hear the worry in his voice. I mustered up as much energy as I could and got out a mangled "I'm fine". I didn't hear him anymore so I worked on pulling myself together. It took a good fifteen minutes and I marched out of the bathroom.

"I need to go to the store." I said grabbing Brantley's keys.

"We'll go with you." Brantley said.

"No." I said walking out the door. I got behind the wheel, started the truck, and pulled out of the driveway hopeful that I was going in the right direction. I saw a sign for a gas station at the next left so I followed those directions and headed to the gas station. I parked the truck and went inside I walked around the store before realizing they kept the pregnancy tests behind the counter. Lovely. {A/N: I know you're supposed to wait 15 days before you take a test, but for this lets just pretend you don't.}

I walked up to the counter and the woman looked at me before stepping aside to let me look at the brand they had.

"Three of everything." I said. She didn't comment or question she got me what I asked for and I gave her my money and left. I drove the familiar drive back to the house parking in the driveway. I walked inside tossing Brantley's keys on the table and locking myself in the bathroom again. I immediately began the process picking a random box and taking out both tests that were inside. I did my thing and waited. I repeated this with two other boxes all the tests showing those familiar pink double lines. I silently cursed myself for being so careless with this. I put all the tests back in the boxes and the boxes back in the bag. I hide the bag in the bathroom under the sink behind a few things. I got myself together and walked out of the bathroom. I wasn't going to say a word to Brantley yet not until he tells me or I have to confront him. I walked into the living room to see Jason and Luke sitting on the couch. Were they here when I stormed in an hour ago? Oh well.

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