VIII - "I don't want to see you with that guy again..."

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Jason's POV

It took me a second to realize what just happened. My brain couldn't really take it all in properly because it was actually such a shock. I couldn't have been wrong to have made such an attempt. Normally it works, I lean in and everything falls into place. A girl has never backed out on kissing me before, never. I shouldn't be taking this so hard but how else am I supposed to react? Normally it's the girls who are all over me, they're the ones afraid that I'll reject them. It's never been the other way around.

What the fuck?

Lea was speed walking towards the door. I look below her seat and realize she left all the things I bought her today. I wanted to grab her things and hand them to her but that'd only make things more gawky than it already was. So I look up at Lea again, watching her open the door steadily and shoving her foot in first. I was confused at first as to why she was doing that but then I realized a dog jumping up and down, trying it's best to run out into the open.

When the door shuts, I sit back against the seat roughly. I was still all too baffled by what just happened to even start the car. I eventually bring myself to do so however and drive off down the street. On top of Lea rejecting me, I couldn't stop thinking about how her mood plummeted back at the mall. Why couldn't she have just tried on the shirt? It wasn't normal, her voice didn't sound normal. I could tell something was eating her alive and she was holding back the want to cry.

There really is a lot more to Lea than I'll ever know.

Instead of going home, I head over to Scarlett's house. She wouldn't be at work until later and I know this because I'd be leaving at the same time as her. I had money to count, deals to arrange, dope to sell and bitches to fuck. Hopefully Brody and Ace were with Scarlett as well, just to have us all together incase they decide to ask me stupid ass questions.

Scarlett, on the other hand, has no idea about Lea. She was too hung up over me keeping away from Sandrine to focus on me being with anyone else. I don't know what the fuck went on with me and Sandrine, it was all too confusing for words but I know for a fact that I have no more feelings for her whatsoever.

But I'd still fuck the shit out of her, don't get me wrong.

Getting back on track, though, I still have to make sure people know that their time is running short. I don't like not having my money on time, I don't like waiting. Do not make a deal with me if you're going to back out last minute, you should have never signed yourself up to this shit in the first place.

When it comes to my business and my money, I take everything very seriously.

At Scarlett's house, I park not too far from her house. Two more cars occupied the spots I normally claim for myself. One car belonging to Ace and the other most likely belongs to Carter. Good a full house. Brody was probably just here for the group event, he's a people person I guess. As I walk up to the door, I hear commotion on the inside. Everyone was either talking to the person next to them or just all trying to talk at once and no one was being heard. When I shut the door behind me, the entire house falls silent. It was like a King entering his Kingdom and making his way towards his throne. Everyone else was a peasant and they remained silent until further notice.

Kind of a harsh analogy but what else would you expect from someone like me?

"It's Jason!" Brody says, peeking his head in.

I could see that they were all outback. Carter was grilling and everyone was sitting in seats, drinking beers and having a good time. Scarlett holds the door open for me and looks inside the house, she was always making sure I hadn't decided to bring some slut over with me when I came to visit her.

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