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Hyunjin bounced up and down on his small trampoline in the middle of the living room. While on the couch was his roommate Changbin who sheltered himself in a blanket as he listened to emo rap music. Hyunjin acting like the little he was bouncing with excitement on getting to play the newly hired Stay Taker. He found him so cute and adorable to be a Stay Taker and looked to have a bright personality with those big brown eyes.

"Binnie Binnie! I'm going to play with my new Stay Taker all day long! We're going to dance, watch a movie, play with toys, and then make chocolate chip-"

"SHUT-UP!" Changbin plugged out his earphones to yell at Hyunjin causing him to stop bouncing and begin sniffling.

"Shut-up is a bad word!" Hyunjin yells softly back at him as he began to cry from the hurtful word. Changbin sighs as he holds on tightly to his blanket before moving off the couch to Hyunjin.

"Stop crying Pabo. I'm just jealous that you're finally hiring a Stay Taker after not being on the site for a month." Changbin told him as he opened up his blanket to give Hyunjin some comfort.

"I don't understand why you act so mean Binnie? You could have a Stay Taker play with you also if you just signed up to give it a try." Hyunjin tells him as he wipes away his remaining tears.

"I'm afraid if I sign up and select someone...they won't like me for who I am. The only interaction I ever really get is going to work at the grocery store and then talking to you. I'd be too shy and quiet for a Stay Taker to know what to do with me." Changbin tells Hyunjin as he looks down at his sleeve covered arms.

"If I sign you up and pick the nicest and most caring Stay Taker on the site for you, will you make the effort to have a little fun?" Hyunjin asks him. Changbin doesn't speak but nods his head before going to sit on the couch.

Hyunjin was about to grab his laptop when he hears the doorbell ring. "He's here Binnie!" Hyunjin jumps and down happily.

"I'm going to go get ready for work." Changbin excuses himself like always, never wanting to come in contact with the Stay Taker that spent most of the day with his roommate.

"Bye-bye." Hyunjin waves to him as Changbin bedroom door is heard being closed.

Hyunjin runs to the tall mirror quickly to check his appearance. He had on a baggy pink sweater that made his hands into sweater paws, dark blue jeans, and bunny slippers to top off the outfit. He finally runs over to the door to look through the peep hold and see Yang Jeongin waiting for him.


*One Hour Ago*




"HEY! What the heck?" Jeongin takes out his earbuds after getting hit in the head with a paper ball from Han. 

"I've got a little to go deal with, so you better not forget about spending the day with HwangJinnie!" Han warns him with a point from his index finger.

"What the heck does this 'little' even look like?" Jeongin asks Han who was currently grabbing a plastic bag from underneath his desk.

"Why don't you just check your account and review his profile to see what his likes and dislikes are before you go there empty-handed," Han tells the younger.

"Fine." He sighs heavily. "But what's in the bag?" He asks him.

"My favorite horror movies and chocolate cake. I'll see you tomorrow." Han quickly logs out of his account before leaving the office space.

"Have fun!" Jeongin teases him as this was the second time the little he cared for requested him.

"Hey, Jeongin-ah! How are you liking the job? I heard you have your first request today." The oldest Stay Taker by the name of Chan walks into the office to immediately ask the newbie questions.

"Can you maybe stop lingering around me Chan, it can be a bit overbearing," Jeongin tells the older with sincerity. Chan huffs, crossing his arms and going to his own cubicle.

"Now let's see what Little HwangJinnie looks like," Jeongin says to himself as he looks into his account to find the message HwangJinnie sent him to click on his name and be taken to his profile Bio.

"Now let's see what Little HwangJinnie looks like," Jeongin says to himself as he looks into his account to find the message HwangJinnie sent him to click on his name and be taken to his profile Bio

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Username: HwangJinnie
Name: Hwang Hyunjin
Age: 20
Birthday: March 20, 2000
Bio: Hello Stay Takers! My name is Hwang Hyunjin but I prefer you call me Jinnie. I hope we can be best friends, have lots of fun, and just care for me deeply like any normal person.
Likes: Swimming, dancing, reading books, playing sports, chicken, kimchi, and pizza.
Dislikes: Cat Fur, onions, carrots, eggplants, and Mean Cherry Red head boys that'll drop me.

Jeongin couldn't deny it..

The boy profile made him snore. He leans back in his chair and sighs with boredom. The boy was cute but he could already tell that he was going to regret taking this job even more.

"Hey Jeongin? Shouldn't you get going to spend the whole day with your little?" An Aussie boy the name of Felix peeks over the wall separating his and Jeongin cubicles.

"Ugh! Fine! I'm LEAVING!" Jeongin gets out of his office chair, logging out of his account before leaving the office. Chan and Felix both waving goodbye while laughing.

"He's going to need luck."

"Serious Luck."

Little Stay (H.H X Y.J)✅Where stories live. Discover now